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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational School Bjelovar had implemented a project called Step towards modern school, K1 activity - individual in-service training for school staff, from 1st of July 2014 to 1st od July 2016. During the implementation 11 participants attended in-service trainings, 8 teachers, 2 professional associates and headmaster. Quite large number of our students has special educational needs (SEN). These students demand special approach and modern teaching methods in order to be motivated and achieve better results. Also, almost all our students have poor foreknowledge and they are not motivated to learn, they achieve poor results, large number of them repeats grades and leave school at the end. Because of that, School's team for EU projects has determined that the problem of in-service training of teachers in modern teaching methods and approaches and methods for students with SEN has to be solved by our European development plan. Better approach to students with SEN, using modern teaching methods for students with SEN and all other students led to better motivated students with better grades. So, objectives of the project and European development plan were: more motivated students, smaller number of students who leave school and more successful students with SEN. Objectives are almost completely achieved. Evaluation showed that all 3 areas are improved. 8 teachers attended in-service trainings: english language teacher, 2 croatian language teachers, mechanical engineering teacher, electrical engineering teacher, practical training teacher, maths teacher and politics teacher, 2 professional associates: librarian and school counselor, and headmaster. During the project implementation we carried out 3 groups of activities: preparatory activities, in-service trainings (mobilities) and post-mobility activities. Preparatory activities that are carried out: preparation and signing of contracts, linguistic preparation (assessment test, group and individual learning with english language teacher using english learning books from school library), cultural preparation (research and making PP presentation about receiving country), travel organizing, making PP presentation for presenting our school, country and work, buying croatian souvenirs and traditional food and drinks for other in-service training participants, buying travel insurance, making of European health insurance card for every participant, filling in of School's questionnaire with the purpose of later evaluation. We attended following in-service trainings: Inclusion strategies for specioalists working with disabled children and adults (english language teacher, Greece, 5 days), Digital literacy in the collaborative classroom (mechanical engineering and electrical engineering teacher, Ireland, 7 days), Enhance Learning with iPads and tablets (2 croatian language teachers, Finland, 5 days), Building emotional relationships to prevent early school leaving (school counselor, Italy, 5 days), Inclusion in European context (practical training and politics teacher, Latvia, 5 days), Outdoor leadership, outdoor learning (maths teacher, librarian, Portugal, 5 days), Building efficient relationships and effective conflict management (headmaster, Slovenia, 5 days). Activities that we carried out after mobilities: filling in of travel warrant - delivering bills to accountant, certificats and Europass mobility documents to every participants' record, filling in of school's and Agency's questionnaire (Participant's Report), dissemination (school's web, Bjelovarac, teachers' council, professional county council, radio Terezija, eTwinning), using achieved knowledge in everyday work, evaluation, issuing school's certificates to every participant. Results and impacts of this project: more motivated students who are informed about education possibilities in EU, they are more motivated to learn because teachers use modern methods and new knowledge they achieved during in-service trainings, every teacher in school is informed about in-service training possibilities in EU, teachers are more motivated to work, their self-confidence is improved, their english language communication skills are improved, they want to participate in such projects again, they want more in-service trainings in EU, they want positive changes in school, they share achieved knowledge in workshops, they have more ideas, they are more creative, they show more initiative, they use new tools and apps, school's reputation ih better, school achieved european dimension, communication with EU teachers is established, teachers participate in webinars on eTwinning, there are more Erasmus+ projects applied and implemented in our County. Longer-term benefits of this project for Vocational School Bjelovar are: School is now opened towards european educational community, teachers' way of thinking is changed, they realized that they have to change their working methods and accept new requrements in education today.

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