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Kooperative offene Lernformen in der Berufs- und Lehrerbildung
Start date: Dec 8, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Developing competences is one of the main aspects of the education of students in vocational schools and of teacher trainees in teacher training colleges in Europe. In order to develop these competences, students as well as teacher trainees must be able to reflect on the learning process and the results achieved in lessons. In addition, both groups must be able to perform successfully in their learning process. As a consequence, the learning process must be open to everyone involved and cooperation between the participants is favourable. Therefore, the aim of the project COOL BULB is to create and implement the development of above mentioned competences in the process of the professional training of students at vocational schools in and around Lüneburg as the center of the district. Furthermore, this shall also be implemented in the training of teachers at the Studienseminar BBS Stade (Teacher training college) and - if possible - in the teacher training process in Austria and the Netherlands as well. Within the project, all this shall be achieved through implementing the COOL concept, that was invented at the COOL-Impulszentrum Steyr (Austria) on the basis of the progressive educational movement, in the participating vocational schools as well as at the Studienseminar BBS Stade. In this process, the Studienseminar will play the role of a multiplier by sending all the teacher trainees who experienced the COOL concept during their training to become teachers to other vocational schools after finishing their education. There they will create curricula and lessons in accordance to the COOL concept. Furthermore, 16 teachers of the 7 participating vocational schools will get the chance to experience COOL by visiting schools that already have sucuessfully implemented COOL. These schools are situated in Austria and the Netherlands. In the long run, other schools and teacher training colleges in Lower Saxony, in the rest of Germany and perhaps even in other European countries should be able to recognise the advantages of the COOL concept so that sustainabbility is guaranteed.
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4 Partners Participants