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Kontynuacja współpracy z niemieckimi przedsiębiorstwami w kształceniu młodych techników
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is called „Die Fortsetzung der Zusammenarbeit mit den deutschen Unternehmen in der Ausbildung der jungen Techniker“. It was prepared by the Zespół Szkół i Placówek im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Zawierciu together with German companies in Thuringia and Hesse. The project is based on earlier mobility projects and the ideas of Deutsch-Polnischen Jugendwerk-Programms, Leonardo da Vinci 2012-2013 IVT, PLM and ERASMUS+ Program 2014. We will plan the internship for students from the first to the third class of the technical vocational school. The jobs they are learning are: technique for gastronomical service, technique for hotel business and logistician. Graduates from our school in the years 2015 – 2017 are also participants. The project will last from 01.06.2015 until 01.06.2017. The 4-weekly internships will take place: 1st group: 10 students: 29.09.2016 – 28.10.2016 2nd group: 10 students: 19.11.2016 – 18.12.2016 3rd group: 10 students: February/March 2017 4th group: 10 students: March/April 2017 4 graduates from the school year 2015/2016: 29.06.2016 – 28.07.2016 Small and middle-sized companies are belonging to the partners where the participants will stay: Thüringer Waldblick Boxberg GmbH, Waldhotel Berghof, Hotel Rodenberg and Logistik Center Berka GmbH. Our main partner Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle is the German coordinator. We already have made successful projects with it since 2008. The major aims of our project according to the ERASMUS+ priorities are: - increasing occupational and speaking qualifications of the participants of the project - the steady encouragement of developing key skills of the participant - rising chances o the European job market and prevention of unemployment of young people - personal development of the learners, encouragement by developing self-dependence - increasing qualities for the work in school, their colleagues and the development of international activities - Long-term cooperation between school and German gastronomical and logistic companies During the realization of the project we use European instruments like the ECVET-system, the Europass-Mobility document and the European CV. The project will improve the importance of the school in the surrounding area and the education quality in our school. It also enhances the contact to institutions in our region, for instance the cooperation with the Guild of Commerce, little companies in Zawiercie, the employment office and local employers. The project helps to develop local companies because it causes the appearance of young gastronomical or logistical specialists on the job market. The large measures for spreading will reach many groups of the local, regional and native addressees and international partners.

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