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Kontinuálne vzdelávanie učiteľov ako kľúč modernizácie vzdelávacieho procesu
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project summary The participants of the project work for the educational institution JŠ Progres whose main goal since it was established in 1996 has been a modern teaching focused on gaining language knowledge, skills as well as practical communication in foreign languages for children, young adults and adults. JŠ Progres is continuously developing by implementing innovative teaching and learning methods. The project involved 6 employees of JŠ Progres, who are qualified teachers of English language, each with 10 – 20 years teaching experience. They are all well practiced in teaching children, young adults and adults at both state and private educational institutions. They are equipped with general language skills, teaching, social, multicultural and ICT skills. The participants are highly motivated to maintain personal development via career growth. They participate actively in the process of lifelong learning by taking part in various educational courses and seminars. Some have carried out projects within Comenius, Gruntvig or Leonardo. The main aim of the project was the continuous development and training of teachers in the services provided by the modernization of educational processes, improvement of language competence and consequently, an increase in business competitiveness. The participants´ goal was to boost their key competence (language skills, teaching skills, social skills, managerial, human resource skills) and a better use of ICT. Other aims were to increase the efficiency of teaching authentic English, boost speaking confidence while reducing stresses caused by making mistakes. The better the language preparation of our students, the better prospects of passing internationally acknowledged language certificates, as well as the increase of their employability at the labour market,. The main educational activity was participation in selected courses. Within the framework of European mobility the individual participants of the project took part in the following educational activities by which they gained various skills and competences: 1. Creative Methodolgy for the classroom 2. How to Motivate Your Students 3. Drama Techniques for Creative Teachers 4. Business English Methodology 5. Teaching Advanced Students 6. ICT - Using Technology in the Classroom In the afternoons and evenings the participants attended optional lectures and workshops organized by Pilgrims and ETI. A significant impact of the project has been innovative and improved training programs, the development of new curriculums and teaching plans, didactics of e-learning in the educational process and the integration of ICT into teaching programs. The improved skills and competence gained by the teaching staff and the general project outcomes have positively influenced our graduate education in terms of improving their language and social skills, their effectivity with regards to their usage of online resources and authentic materials, their increased motivation for learning and the acceleration of the learning process with the use of new ICT techniques learning. From the point of view of long term benefits, our students will have better prospects at the labour market, supported career growth, they will be motivated to participate in foreign mobility and last but not least, a higher probability of success when taking internationally recognized language certificates. In addition to improving key teaching competences, the impact on the teachers is visible by their improved effectivity in search techniques, refreshed ideas and innovations, implementation of new creative methodology and alternative teaching approaches, increased motivation and multicultural awareness, a substantially increased confidence in their usage of the English language and many other benefits. Participating in the international educational activities enabled our teachers to get in touch with the latest information and trends in teaching foreign languages. Taking part in the courses, cooperating with foreign participants and by implementing foreign teaching programs we improved our services, we created long lasting and stable conditions for the modernization of teaching and internationalism within our educational organization.

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