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Kompetenzsteigerung der Projektteilnehmer zur Qualitätsverbesserung des Englischunterrichts und zur Vorbereitung der Lernenden auf den englischsprachigen Arbeitsmarkt
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the planned project is to improve the speech, method and intercultural competence of the participants as well as the use of new media. Four English teacher participate in the project. The participants are going to attend language courses in England, Ireland and Malta. The focus of the planned language courses is on general English and business English. In preparation for the language courses the participants will define the aims and expectations which will be communicated during the project and be evaluated at the end of the project. The coordinator of the project will be the contact person during all phases of the project. After finishing the language courses the results will be put together and serve as a base for measures in the classroom. In addition to an overall improvement of the English lessons the focus will be on the offering of a Seminarfach with focus on English and intercultural competence as well as the use in the lessons of the Groß- und Außenhandel. Students should obtain the necessary knowledge for studies or a job in English speaking countries respectively for the cooperation with foreign business partners.
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