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Kompetenz+ in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For many years, the Robert-Schuman-Berufskolleg has been offering a 2- or 3-year course to become a state-qualified Commercial Assistant with Languages (higher education entrance qualification or the equivalent for the 2-year course, for students without these qualifications the 3-year course). Both courses include an eight week work placement which can be partly or completely done abroad. The duration of the work placement abroad varies between 4 and 8 weeks depending on the company as well as the wishes of the students. The ability to engage in cross-cultural situations is one of the main goals of the work placement as well as the development of professional and foreign language competence. The acquisition of key qualifications for a job market that is increasingly subject to international influence as well as developing the ability to move in a multilingual and multicultural work environment are of fundamental importance. These key qualifications are not only about mere knowledge and competent use of modern technology, but also the so-called ‘soft skills’ such as creativity, critical thinking, enterprising mind as well as the ability to work cooperatively and to make decisions in a team. It is a special focal point to give, first of all, young people with a migrant background the chance to experience these things. The trainees complete their work placement predominantly in small and medium-sized businesses, in administrative and tourism businesses in various European countries. As a result it has been possible to strengthen and expand the cooperation with our partners that has developed over several years. This has led to a high degree of satisfaction for all those participating in the work placement. In conclusion, it speaks for itself that we place great value on consistency and reliability in order to build up our partnerships. This is reflected in the structural growth. In cooperation with our long-standing partners it is our wish to work together with companies based in the countries whose languages are taught at our college, in companies which mainly use these languages or with whom we have been involved in international projects. In various companies, the trainees can, with skilled instruction, put into practise and improve their foreign language skills as well as the theoretical knowledge which they have acquired. As a result of the mobility programme, the perspectives of life-long learning can be taught. Furthermore, motivation and the ability to work under pressure independently can be developed, while at the same time prejudice towards people who think and behave differently can be diminished. These aspects have been included in the main targets of our school programme which documents the European orientation of our college as a certified European college of the state of North-Rhine Westphalia.
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