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Kompetentniji nastavnici za uspješnije poučavanje djece s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra (PAS)Engleski naziv: Increasing Teacher Competences to Make Learning Easier for Pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Akronim: ITC 4 ASD KIDS
Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project ˝Increasing Teacher Competences to Make Learning Easier for Pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (ITC 4 ASD KIDS)˝ was initiated by Centre for autism in Zagreb with idea to create opportunities for professional development for our teachers through international cooperation and to put more light on needs of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The vision of our institution is based on encouraging our teachers to engage in lifelong learning and education, so we can strive as an institution to offer our pupils a wider and better educational opportunities. The history of our successful cooperation and coordination with a variety of institutions in Europe indicated the willingness of our employees to properly seize the opportunity for professional advancement within this Erasmus + Call and to develop new international cooperation for the benefit of their future professional development and meeting the needs of our students.The project was planned in cooperation with Target Autism in Northampton, England, organization which provides consulting services, training and support to children and young people with any kind of communication difficulties or autistic spectrum disorders and provides professional support to special education teachers and staff. This organization also has a long and successful cooperation with a number of mainstream and special schools in Northampton that educate students with ASD and other special needs. With help of Target Autism, our Center got in touch with two regular and three special schools in Northampton educating students with different educational needs, from preschool age through early adulthood. It was agreed to provide mobility for 18 of our employees, seven of them being involved in the project team. The mobility was planned for teachers who work in pre-school and primary school programs and program for adults. Mobility would last for total of three weeks – one week for each of three groups of 6 teachers. Every group would spend five days in the host schools and observe the direct work of host school teachers using the job shadowing. Their progress and learning will be monitored through the daily reports and work with the appointed mentors. The main objectives of this project are to increase the knowledge and competence of our staff in the application of specific methods and approaches in working with children with ASD, providing professional support to staff at mainstream schools and to gain new skills of working in a multicultural environment. An additional objective is to increase the management and project capacities of our institution and transfer through project acquired knowledge to rest of the staff working in Center. Before the mobility, we will conduct planned and comprehensive preparatory activities. Upon ending of mobility period, we will proceed with planned dissemination activities at the level of our institution, at national and international level, and we will also evaluate the project’s outcomes.We expect the teachers participating in mobility to increase their job satisfaction and work motivation, to identify the practices which they would like develop more and thus to more efficiently determine the plan of their professional development. We believe that they will also improve their competence in applying the methods of working with children with ASD – ones they already use and ones they know little about. We expect project to have a positive impact on thechers' competence to provide professional support to staff in regular schools, to expand their knowledge of working with students in a multicultural surrounding and eventually develop additional interest in the design of project ideas and writing project proposals.At the level of our institution, the project will contribute to the development of our strategy of internationalization, facilitate successful future international cooperation and ultimately it will undoubtedly improve the quality of service we offer to our students. The project will also lay the foundation for future cooperation with receiving schools and influence our development strategy as an institution and strategy for the development of our employees individually.Finally, the most important notion- our students and their parents as target groups of this project will also have a long term benefit, since we anticipate to improve competencies of teachers who work with them daily and to in a long-term bring in new teaching methods that are even more applicable in meeting the specific educational needs of our students.
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