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Kompetencje nauczycieli oraz działania wspierające efektywność zabiegów edukacyjnych.
Start date: Jun 15, 2014, End date: Jun 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

International cooperation of schools in the context of improving teachers’ skills and acquiring new competences aimed at raising the status of teachers and the improvement of the educational system. Teachers should enrich their teaching techniquess, they should learn new methods to motivate themselves and their students to achieve better results. We saw the need for the improvement in the performance of our students. Previous years’ exam results of the lower secondary school have not been in line with the expectations because we saw the intellectual potential of our students and the possibility how to use it more efficiently. We have also been looking for ‘success factors’ in the school leadership and organisation that has developed in a positive direction in the recent years. We wanted to develop cooperation in the field of international projects for young people through the contacts with partner schools. This required certain linguistic skills both of the teachers as well as of the pupils of our school. The improvement in the methodology of teaching English, the acquirement of new competences by teachers and enriched experience of leadership and teachers in the organization of education also for students with special needs give us a sense of use of all opportunities to improve the results of lower secondary school exams and the progress of our students. They also create the incentives to improve their performance in other school subjects. For this purpose the questionnaires monitoring the teachers’ and pupils’ progress in chosen areas included in the training during consecutive stages of the project have been prepared and the surveys and interviews have been carried out. Our school will continue to participate in Erasmus’ School Partnership, eTwinning, ‘Marco & Alberto Ippolito’ project organised by FNISM (Federazione Nazionale degli Insegnanti in Reggio de Calabria, Italy) and ‘Verein fur europaische Umweltbildung und Umwelterziehung’ (German) project in order to develop the linguistic skills in our teachers and students and acquire international competences. In our plan for the development of interculturalism and internationalisation we emphasised that all students of our school would be involved in the projects, not only in the mobility activities but mainly in communication with partner schools carried out through Twinning. We have managed to achieve this goal. Moreover, all our students have participated in the work for the projects while preparing for different meetings. The aims of the project: -to cooperate with partners in countries which show good or improving results English language teaching and natural science teaching. -to achieve the educational objectives, lifelong learning and real mobility -to improve the quality and the results in education -to promote equality, social integration and active citizenship -to increase creativity and innovation (entrepreneurship) in all fields in our school Mobility activities carried out -a visit to Sweden - 3 staff members /a week/ to get acquainted with the ways of management and school leadership (the headmaster and the vice-headmaster)/ to carry out the observation and participate in work during the biology lessons (the biology teacher) -a visit to Italy – Italian language course/the teacher (a project coordinator)/ 4weeks twice -a visit to the UK – 2 people: the teacher of English -2 weeks -to improve the methodology of teaching English and the teacher of natural science - 2 weeks – to participate in B-component course -a visit to Spain – a school pedagogue – a week of observation – to learn how to improve the students’ self-esteem, their social and cultural integration and learning outcome Selected subject teachers got prepared and performed lessons in CLILL system. Some lessons were observed by teachers from the partner school from Sweden in May 2016. Work on eTwinning has been used during the implementation of youth projects with partner schools and in the international cooperation of the teachers. We have learnt a lot about the more effective ways to work with the students with special needs. As a result of the activities performed the teaching methodology of the English language and natural science has improved. The teachers participating in training and study programmes have established good cooperation with colleagues from other European countries. The school also took part in some preparations within the Erasmus Programme KA2 Plus planning the mobility activities for our students.
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