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Kompetenceudvikling VUC Syd
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At the beginning of a lesson plan every course participant at VUC Syd will receive an iPad and all lessons will be conducted by means of this tablet. Consequently, it is necessary for VUC Syd continously to ensure the institution’s and the employees’ competency development within pedagogy and didactics related to the use of iPad in teaching, including the development of digital materials to be used in the learning process. The VUC Syd strategic and development plan for the period o2014-2016 also includes - in addition to the implementation of the iPad/technology in teaching – competency development of employees and development of international collaboration as key areas. Especially education institutions in England, the Netherlands and Sweden are on the forefront af using the iPad in teaching. VUC Syd wishes for developing the competency of employees and the institution through continuing education and establishing of networks with education institutions in these three countries. The twelve employees who will get the opportunity to participate in continuing education/mobility related to this application will primarily be teachers and leaders within the pedagogical field. They will be selected on the basis of specific applications and when selecting the participants, the management will consider the employees’ interest in technology in teaching, their personal qualities in correlation with ”stationing” including their rolls as representatives of VUC Syd and their qualifications regarding subsequent communication of knowledge to the other employees. VUC Syd expects the stationed employees to form networks and build knowledge and experience within the use of the iPad in teaching, the use of iTunesU as a basis and the development of digital materials for the iPad. This knowledge and experiense will through presentation on pedagogical days, theme meetings, exemplary lesson plans and deveopment of materials subsequently be implemented among the other employees at VUC Syd and in this way contribute to securing a continuing development of the organisation. The European network will encure that VUC Syd continously builds knowledge on pedagogic initiatives in the rest of Europe and that VUC Syd is able to convey new knowledge and experiences to other education institutions in Denmark and abroad.

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