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Kompetanseheving hos lærere
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

On the basis of international and national requirements on higher competence for teachers, and our school's priorities in skills development initiatives , we want to concretize this by sending some of our teachers on courses outside Norway . There are mainly three areas this project focuses on : language learning , ICT skills and expertise in intercultural learning . Language learning, because it is an important requirement internationally and in the EU context. To be able to improve the students language skills, we need to increase teachers' linguistic competence as well as their motivation for language teaching. ICT in education is also an important element in today's schools , and we need to raise teachers' competence in the area to get an understanding of how to use ICT in a useful way in the classroom without students being distracted by other pages on the Web . The desire is that teachers should learn " attractive " teaching methods using ICT. In our school we run extensive internationalization, and we have a separate international class on the course general studies , where the teachers have an extra focus on the European and international dimension in their teaching. We also want to have a particular focus on developing the student on the intercultural competence. Since we have few teachers with specific expertise in the area , we want to raise this expertise . Students in international course should get a 10 hours course in intercultural learning during the three years on general studies,(on international course ) and will at graduation get a diploma (a certificate ) where it says themes they 've been through , and which exchanges and study tours they 've been on. The business community demands this competence , therefore we believe it is important that we are able to communicate this to the students , especially considering that we have an international course on general studies. For teachers to have the best possible expertise in this area , so that they in turn are able to pass on this important topic to the students , it is necessary to go to courses especially designed for this purpose . During a 24 month period there will be 15 teachers who receive competence in these fields. 2 teachers in language courses to Sevilla in Spain 1 teachers on language courses to Germany 1 teachers for language courses to York in England 2 teachers on courses in intercultural learning in Bath in England 2 teachers on ICT courses

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