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Kompetanseheving for tysklærere
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jåttå Secondary Upper School is a new and modern school with vocational courses and general studies. Our vision is "always a bit higher", and our main goal is to increase our teachers' competences in all terms in order to give our pupils the best education. With this background, and, knowing that our school is placed in a very international county (Rogaland: the oil capital of Norway), we have decided to start a project where the main goal is to extend the competences of our teachers in foreign languages. In the first round we have implicated the teachers teaching German. Our county wishes that German should be reinstalled in Norway as an important language (it has lost a lot of its importance the last 10 years in Norway) and that the pupils are getting more interested in this language. To achieve this, we see one important solution: to help our teachers in German to teach this language with new methods, with new ideas and of course to increase their German knowledge. Our school is "open-minded" and highly appreciates international exchanges. We have therefore first of all involved two teachers in German who are very dedicated to their subject in a project where one of them should attend a two weeks pedagogically course in Austria ( 1 week German-course for teachers in Vienna and 1 week school hosptitation at a Realgymnasium in Salzburg) and one week's course for German teachers in Trier, Germany. The participants will in theses courses not only extend their language competences in German, but also in areas as didactics, pedagogics, informatics and socio-cultural differences. Our teacher going to Austria will also experience the pupil-teacher-role in this country and there will probably be a lot to learn for a Norwegian teacher. She will also participate actively in the school by teaching the Austrian pupils about Norway. The courses shall not only extend the participants' competences and increase norwegian pupils' interest to the German language and culture, but also share all these competences with their colleagues in our school and in other schools in our county. We do think that our project can amplify our language competences, the interest for foreign languages and also give us new didactics and pedagogical ideas. We wish to start with the German language, but in a long term we would like to extend this exchange to French and Spanish teachers as well. Internationalisation is a priceless enrichment bothl for our school (teachers and pupils) ans for our county and country.
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