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Kolarctic IT Education, Networking, Patnership and Innovation (KITENPI)
Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective: KITENPI will develop and enhance the regions competitiveness in the area of ICT on the increasingly growing global market, and promote the emergence of a common ICT job and competence pool, by integrating academic resources to provide highly trained ICT professionals with understanding of modern technology, the KOLARCTIC challenges and ICT industry space, and with solid competence in cross-border collaboration. The specific objective: 1. Integrate academic resources, initiate and maintain cross-border academic staff and student exchange, establish joint high quality educational programs across Kolarctic region. 2. Facilitate innovation and cross-border collaboration in ICT with the specific focus on telemedicine, eHealth domain as highly relevant and in great demand services in the Kolarctic region. 3. Initiate cross-border infrastructure for distributed collaboration, education and professional training. Focus areas: KITENPI will initiate cross-border transference of international Masters educational programmes, promote cross-border industry participation in courses and in innovation workshops where ICT industry meets researchers and students to address key KOLARCTIC challenges within Health, Ageing and Inclusion, and the global challenge of migrating towards a Low-Carbon Economy. There is great potential for innovation and future eHealth business in the region, especicially within telemedicine and distributed care, motivated by a sparse and aging poulation and a foreseen lack of qualified medical staff. eServices for better including indigenious people and other marginalized groups in the KOLARCTIC society may be facilitated by innovative application of pervasive ICT and mobile systems. Finally, there is great potential in the KOLARCTIC region for introducing Green IT to support efficient use of energy, smart public transport systems and distributed engineering. Achievements: KITENPI has initiated long-term collaboration between the five participating universities and created a common Kolarctic pool of ICT jobs and competence. It has Increased collaboration between academia and ICT industry (especially in Arkhangelsk, Luleå and Kemi-Tornio). The ICT industry has become more involved in the ICT education, e.g. via many Innovation Events where students interact with staff from the local industry. The involved universities have become more internationalized.
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  • 38.8%   534 581,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Kolarctic ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants