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Környezettudatos technológiák és eszközök az épületvillamosság területén
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project aims to meet the training needs of two target groups. For our teachers and trainers working in vocational training we will organise study visits, with the purpose of learning new procedures in the environmental, environmentally-friendly building electricity technologies and their modern tools. During gaining this knowledge and skills our colleagues will acquire the necessary and effective teaching methods, procedures, tools, will learn about the pedagogical documents, the system of the modules and requirements. We will select colleagues who are suitably qualified, motivated and open to receive new knowledge and will build the results of the study visits in our training documents according to the strategic objectives of our institution. The study visits will take 10 days in all institutions. In the other beneficiary category the groups will be formed from the large 10th and 11th grade classes of electricity and electronics. For them our foreign partners will organize a three-week apprenticeship, half of which will take place in their workshops and the other half in their factory training locations. In the training locations the students will practice what they have learnt in the workshops under manufacturing, installation and construction conditions. All of our three partners have a significant professional prestige and are well-equipped training centres who have excellent training partners. In the two years 3-3 groups will visit our partners from which the students are 4-4 with 1-1 accompanying teacher and the professional teachers are 3-3 people. The main steps of implementation: Assigning the project team - survey, defining the professional goals – choosing the institutions - a detailed reconciliation of professional programmes – preparing and handing in project documents – contracting – choosing the participants – organising preparation courses – contracting with participants – holding preparation courses – teachers and students prepare the required documents – deciding on the exact date of the visits - the project team buys the tickets, insurance – tracing the visits, keeping contact - assessing mobilities - dissemination, use, installation and utilization of the results. The primary result of our professional teachers’ study trips is the enrichment and the modernization of their pedagogical tools. Through this, and thanks to the acquired advanced professional training experience the quality of teaching in our institution will improve, as well as our growing region. Our electric and electronic trainings will become more popular, the number of students will increase, our enrolment indicators will improve. Thanks to the trainings carried out at our partners the participants’ employment chances in the domestic and foreign labour market will improve, they will be able to exploit the experience gained. The further results and effects of our project will be that each participant’s behaviour and way of thinking will be more environmentally conscious which will serve as a good example in their work and private life at the same time. As an effect of the project our vocational teachers and students will be more open to the novelties of their profession and their motivation for language learning will increase. It will strengthen the image of the EU, their views, opinion and thinking about other nations, other cultures will be more inclusive, more accepting.
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3 Partners Participants