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KoBra - Koblenz trifft Bratislava – Working together in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the face of globalisation, migration and heterogeneous classrooms schools have to improve the qualifications of staff and students. Passing on and acquiring international and intercultural competencies is gaining increasing importance. Within the European Union one fifth of under 15-year-olds attain only the most basic level of proficiency in reading and almost 15% of 18 – 24-year-olds leave school prematurely. Nearly a third of the European labour force is low skilled, but according to some estimates, by 2010, 50% of newly created jobs will require highly skilled workers and only 15 % will be for people with basic schooling (2010, Youthpass Guide) In order to increase our students‘ opportunities for the participation in the European employment market, our transnational project aims at optimising their skills for successfully completing an apprenticeship as well as on boosting their use of the English and German language. A factual background for our project provide high youth unemployment figures in Slovakia and the constant flow of refugees in Germany (Rhein-Zeitung, a local newspaper in Koblenz, of 9 th March 2015: “10,360 refugees came to Rhineland-Palatinate in 2014 fleeing war, prosecution and poverty, 17,000 are expected in 2015“). In order to develop our students‘ key competencies, both partner schools are going to focus on the internationalisation of instruction, the improvement of media literacy, methods of German language teaching, English translation methods, the career training concept and the cooperation with our commercial partners. In doing so, motivation for learning and labour mobility should be improved. Phases of learning at school and practical trainings will be closely connected because of cross-curricular instruction (German, English, career training, ICT…) Altogether 32 persons are involved in the project – 12 students and 4 teachers per school. The teachers are trained in the field of homepage, career training and they have studied German and/or English. (for further information, see choice of partners and competencies in E). The students attend classes in years 7 to 10. Project activities include joint training courses for the teachers (career training, German language teaching especially for learning German as a second language) as well as short-term exchanges for the students in Koblenz and Bratislava. The students are going to visit our commercial partners and will gain experience in different fields of employment. Preparation and follow-up of the project activities are going to be dealt with in the weekly lessons by both Erasmus-Teams and will be completed during our real meetings in Koblenz/Bratislava. The young people are going to gain experience in communicating in different surroundings and in teaching their fellow students. In addition to that, they are going to experience systems of school and apprenticeship in Germany and Slovakia. Further opportunities for communicating and getting to know each other will be provided by going on excursions in Koblenz and Bratislava. Parameters of success will be students‘ presentations of job descriptions and their reports about the practical trainings which will be digitised. In Bratislava, one parameter of success will be the implementation of the concept of career training. In Koblenz specific methods of German language teaching, especially for teaching German as a second language against the background of the flow of refugees, will have been established by the end of the project. Spreading the results of our project via both school homepages, the local press in Koblenz and Bratislava as well as at events like the career information days in Koblenz and open days at both schools we aim at disseminating the project results. Having been disseminated like this, our project results are going to be of long-term benefit. Issuing a certificate like the Youthpass, both schools will support their students to start an apprenticeship on the national as well as on the European employment market. The work will also be published on the product database of the European Shared Treasure. Schools will offer to take part in conferences and will introduce the project to an interested audience. At both partner schools, our joint transnational project aims at improving our students‘ key competencies in order to enhance their learners‘ motivation and to improve their chances on the European employment market. Moreover, the teachers‘ job profile will be developed.
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