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Ko-Transfer - Transfer of innovative European concepts for training and certification in energy-saving construction methods, in order to make qualifications acquired in vocational and advanced training more transparent.

The objective of "Ko transfer is to achieve an improvement of quality of vocational education for the construction by transfer of innovative practices and standards in systems, institutions and processes of vocational education and training of the EU,. The project also aims to strengthen employment opportunities for construction workers and the increasing competitiveness of European SMEs in the field of energy efficient building. European cooperation is urgently needed, since the EU freedom of services to construction companies allows cross-border contracts, especially with construction workers of neighbour countries. The focus is therefore on the transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications of European construction workers. The transfer is based on the Leonardo da Vinci pilot project "Umbau & KO" successfully completed in 2007. In "Umbau & KO " we developed a module "energy-saving construction", which includes a uniform structure and levels of competence allocation, enabling cross-border certification. This procedure is to be transferred in the "KO-transfer" in all courses. Based on the innovation of " Umbau & KO the project" KO-transfer " assures a triple transfer of innovation. 1) geographically: in 2 other countries (SK, LV), 2) sectoral: transfer of the modules and tested method for designing competence standards for all education programs and the integration of methods / techniques of energy-efficient building renovation in training and further education courses, and 3) systemic: Transfer between training and further education and between vocational and academic education. Therefore the competence analysis, competence standards (NQF, ECVET and EQF), testing requirements, changes in education systems and curricula to meet current skill needs, have been in enhanced and developed in the project.So the strengthening of transparency, comparability and cross-border recognition of qualifications of construction workers is reached. KO-transfer offers tools to implement a transparent system for competence determination and certification in ning and further education (in selected building crafts) and integrates innovative content (energy efficiency of buildings) systematically. In the project 11 partners from 5 countries cooperate: BE, DE, LV, PL, SK. The project partners have worked together successfully in previous projects.

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