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Kłusem po jeździeckie umiejętności i doświadczenie zawodowe- polsko-czeska wymiana młodzieży ze szkół jeździeckich
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of our project is to increase horse-riding skills of 30 students from Polish first horse-riding school, the exchange of know-how and training methods between Polish and Czech teachers, as well as the strengthening of institutional potential of first Polish riding school.Project participants will be 30 students from Polish riding school and 3 teachers. All participants will have horse-riding skills at some level (mostly basic) and will plan their professional future with horses.They will be visiting the Czech riding school where their participation in theoretical and practical classes will be supervised by trainers and teachers. One of the most important part of project will be opportunity for Polish students to train on highly-specialized and unavailable in Poland horse-riding simulators. All educational process, combining of afore mentioned elements, will be monitored by Czech trainers and teachers. In the end, every participant will receive a review of her/his educational progress. The same review will be handled to Polish teachers. As the result, Polish teachers will be able to plan the future educational curriculum for their students in great details and in accordance to their skills and needs.Apart from educational activities, youth Poles will be participating in professional internship, specially designed for them. Thanks to internship, youth will gain practical skills preparing them to enter job market. Increase of students’ skills, chance to develop an educational curriculum matching students’ needs and getting prepared for job market expectations will be the most important long-term project outcomes.Project will positively influence not only students’ skills, but also Polish horse-riding school institutional potential. It will increase its prestige and will help to develop horse-riding discipline by creating strong relationships between young horse-riders and teaching staff from various countries.
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