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Kız Öğrencilerin Mesleki Kariyeri için Avrupa'da Pratik Uygulamalar
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vocational highs schools in Turkey bear the burden for finding appropriate fields for the young according to the needs of the sectors and preparing young individuals for the future prospects not only with the theoretical knowledge given in lessons but also the practical applications in real life as well. Vocational and technical training has priority not only for Turkish National Ministry of Education but also for all of the local partners as well. 10th Reconstruction Plan and other top politics documents give great importance to vocational and technical training and empower the relations between the labor force markets and vocational training. It also provisions the fact that learning should continue from cradle to grave. The same plan also underlines the fact that the graduates of such schools still have high percentages of unemployment even though the need for qualified labor continues to increase. Therefore, employment of the students of vocational high schools requires students to gain the required qualities in order to employ them. Our school targets with the current vocational training mobility project to have our students acquire vocational skills and to increase employment opportunities in child development and food & beverages fields. The current project titled “Practical Applications for Female Students’ Vocational Career” will be conducted by Tavşanlı Hayme Main Vocational and Technical High School. There are no local partners in our project. The project will last for a year and it will start as of 01 September 2016 and finish 31 August 2017. The hosting partner for the child development department is a private company called “Supra Vita Oktató, Szolgáltató és Tervező Betéti Társaság” in Eger in Hungary and they will accept 17 students from Child Development Department between 4 February 2017 and 19 February 2017. These students will receive applied training on drama for child development, the features of drama, training atmosphere for drama, equipment in drama classes, features of drama leaders and drama in special training. The hosting partner for the food & beverages department is a school in Prag, Checz Republic thats name Soukromou školu Gastronomie Efes and they will accept 21 students between 02 April 2017 and 17 April 2017. The students will receive applied training on open buffet services including the preparation and serving of the following items: strip cheese canapé, Swiss cheese canapé, roquefort canapé, prosciutto canapé, anchovy canapé, sardine canapé, smoked word-fish canapé, etc. The participants are the 11th grade and 12th grade students from the departments of child development and food & beverages. Some of the participants will graduate in June 2016. As our school is a female only school, all of the participants will be female students. The requirements for participation will be basic vocational and language skills. We will pay particular attention to select the students who will be available for abroad travel. For each of the visits, there will be two accompanying teachers. The goals of this project can be listed as follows: to have the students gain high self-esteem, to raise awareness on working life and responsibilities, to provide improvement to stop positive discrimination against women, to improve job related skills of students, to provide qualified labour force for our country, to improve foreign language skills of the students, to get acquainted with European culture and education curricula, to improve relations with EU and to add “European Dimension” to the current school curriculum. The unemployment rate in Turkey in September 2014 wa 10,5% according to the data provided by Turkish Statistical Association. The unemployment rate among 15-24 age group was 19,1%. Women’s participation to the labor force was 31,1%. These data indicate the fact that the unemployment rate for the young and women participation in labor force is quite low in Turkey. As all of the participants of this project are young girls, this project will lead to a positive change on these rates in the long run. We believe our project will contribute to qualified employment rather employment alone. We also anticipate that new partnerships will be built with other hosting nations as we gain experience in running projects. Consequently, the institutional capacity of our school will increase and the education curriculum will reach to the European standards.
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