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KinoDoK franco-grec
Start date: May 5, 2016, End date: May 4, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Caméra au poing, a French non-profit organisation based in Foix, organizes documentary movies workshop with young people. Greek Kino is a young greek informal group, based on the island of Kefalonia, that organizes Kino workshops (short community movies workshop). Drawing on their experiences, both organisations are sharing at the moment a youth exchange project.The main goals of the project « KinoDok franco-grec » are to allow an intercultural discussion between young Greel and French participants, to enable the participants elaborating a critical point of view about their social environment and to make an opinion’s confrontation possible in a democratic way. The project concerns 20 young participants (10 Greek, 10 French), guides included. Half part of the total group is composed of participants with less opportunities (economics, geographic or cultural difficulties). Three French participants are deaf mute. The aim of the activity is to develop an intercultural listening, speaking and creating space. This activity has to enable young participants to better analyse what is happening around them at different scales (local, national, European, global levels) and has to allow participants to expose their opinions in collectivity, working towards a democratic community project. It aims at cultural echange of deaf and hearing people as well. For doing this, young participants will have to make short-movies together, on topics selected by themselves among which economical, social, environmental and political ones.The activity will take place during 10 days, during the Foix’s film festival « Résistances », in the festival’s premises. The participants will have a free access to the movies showing. They will have the possibility to benefit from the discussions and conferences around the movies shown and to talk with film makers presents (Greek and French directors). Both organisations have a complementary basis for community movies workshop organization and thus for collective works. Popular education methodology will be applied in order to allow participants to expose their point of view, to develop conversations, find solutions for their disputations etc . The benefits for the young people sont as follows : allow an open cultural echange, create active citisens, learn how to live and share with others, acquire technical skills and more over. The diferrentes tools used for the diffusion and publicity of a movie, will permit to invite a large public. The project will offer the opportunity of a constructive collaboration between the partenaires helping the young people to renew such type of activities and contribuating that way in areal European project.
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