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Key Competences – Opening Doors to Success
Start date: Aug 20, 2014, End date: Aug 20, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project involves Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK), institution responsible for promoting, coordinating and representing the joint interests of tradesmen and craftsmen. In the world in which rapid changes in markets and technology cause increasing demands on trade and craft businesses and their employees, key competences become more and more important for trades and crafts. It is crucial to adapt to changing conditions in a quick and flexible way. Only continuous lifelong learning can lead to success. People working in trades and crafts lack entrepreneurial skills, communication skills (oral and written), language competences, presentation skills, IT competences, competences for coping with new EU environment, team work, business plan development, project development and management, key competences for permeability towards higher education, management of stress and emotions, creativity – creation new ideas, awareness of the need for lifelong learning. The need for these competences exits among the general public, as well. With this mobility project HOK wants to increase the knowledge of its employees and strengthen its institutional capacities in order to improve the quality of its work and introduce new services. The specific goal is to learn how to meet the needs for strengthening key competences through getting acquainted with the work of the Chamber for Trades and Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria and its education centres: how to find out the real needs for education, develop optimal education programmes, determine the price of training or seminar, select trainers, market the offer and motivate customers, introduce innovative methods of teaching and learning, measure the satisfaction with services, assure quality. Project participants are employees of HOK and Trade and Crafts Education Centre (OU). The total number of participants is 8. Participants are selected according to their expertise and field of work. Participants work with HOK and OU departments and units who can directly contribute to the development of new services – offer programs for strengthening of key competences for trades and crafts and general public. During the mobility participants will get familiar with the offer of lifelong learning services of HWK, with the emphasis on key competences. Mobility will include visits to HWK, its guilds, education centres and trade and craft businesses. Partners will also have opportunity to exchange good practices and discuss the possibilities of future cooperation in the field of lifelong learning. HOK is responsible for preparing the mobility. HWK is responsible for arrangements within the Chamber, arrangements with its educational centres, guilds and trades and crafts businesses to prepare and implement the mobility. Lessons learned and acquired knowledge will be used in everyday work and have a direct impact on reaching the strategic goals of HOK defined in its Development Strategy 2014-2020. Since the project encourages institutional cooperation at European level it will have positive effects on the internationalisation of HOK and further development of partnership and cooperation between HOK and HWK. The expected project impact on participants is professional development and increased capacities for development of new tools aimed at strengthening of key competences of Chamber members to improve their competitiveness in domestic and European market, but aimed as well at strengthening of key competences of the general public interested, which will enhance workforce mobility. The project will additionally motivate the participants to develop professionally, learn foreign languages engage in project work and cooperate with international partners. The desired impact at national and local level is development of HOK and its services and activities as well as development of UO network and expanding the offer of lifelong learning to strengthen key competences of people in trades and crafts and general public. The participants - HOK and UO employees will act as “multiplicators” of the acquired knowledge and skills towards the employees of regional chambers of trades and crafts and tradesmen associations in Croatia. The long-term benefit of the project is the use of the acquired experiences and knowledge in practice, more precisely in the development of educational offer and programs for key competences in line with the identified needs and the implementation of those programs in UOs and their branches. Apart from funding the costs of trainings and seminars by learners themselves, on the basis of the developed education programs project proposals for ESF and local community calls will be made in order to access the additional funding to support the learners, which will secure the long term sustainability of the project.

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1 Partners Participants