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Kereskedelmi, gazdasági szolgáltatási gyakorlati kompetenciák fejlesztése európai uniós szakmai gyakorlat során
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our teachers are highly trained, teaching both theoretical and professional subjects. The level of training is recognized; we are doing well in competitions and getting positive feedback from our students. Many of them continue studies at universities within their respective field or find jobs on areas corresponding to their vocational competence. For our 10-11 grade trade and marketing, economics and 13 grade logistics groups we provided vocational training in Finland, France and Germany. We were fortunate to have been offered the Erasmus+KA1 program for our 28 students and accompanying teachers for the period of 2014-16. This enabled the beneficiaries of this award to experience the following: -Compare their knowledge of the Hungarian labour market and its special practices to the other members of the EU countries in order to broaden their entrepreneurial skills and ideas and develop competency in this field. -Make themselves familiar with many applications in logistics, trade and office management to get future use of this knowledge. -Get acquainted with new ICT tools originating from other manufacturers, and also with process control which will be useful later in adjusting to labour market demands. -expand their professional foreign language communication skills -improve career placement in the labour market as a result of experience in new scope of activities different from domestic experience. -internationally obtained experience is advantageous, increases self-confidence, gives a new perspective of the world and enhances knowledge, personality and ability to perform certain tasks In our school we shared information about this project via school intranet, posters and personal verbal interactions at the beginning of each academic year. In the first year as an application to the project students were expected to write a motivation letter in English and to introduce one of the three possible target countries from an interesting aspect in Hungarian. In the second year in the selection process besides the motivation letter the students had to develop a plan of a leisure time program to be held with all arrangements on a venue in a chosen country. Teachers involved in this selection used established selection criteria to evaluate the applications. After the selection process 22 potential participants were chosen each year. The field then was narrowed down to 14 based on the following criteria: -grades/ academic achievement -English communication skills -emotional intelligence -adaptability -recommendations of form teachers -preference was given to students from disadvantaged background. Students then participated in weekly preparatory training sessions conducted by skillful teachers at school to expand specific language skills and develop cultural awareness and mental preparedness. Our school was responsible for travel arrangements and insurance issues. The host country provided accommodation, food arrangements and details of work related issues. In both years the actual trips were carried out in spring. 5-5 students completed their vocational practice in France and Germany, 4-4 ones in Finland. Each group included underage students, therefore they were accompanied by a mentor teacher who provided necessary guidance and supervision. The completion of each vocational training block took place within retail and manufacturing settings and students had opportunities to participate in the following tasks: -inventory related issues: storage of products, maintenance, pre-packing, unpacking, product management, pricing and waste management -activities related to sales process: stocking and organizing shelves, handling, labelling, pricing, packaging, customer orientation and customer service. -administrative tasks: photocopying, recording, completing and organizing documents Students were expected to write reports about their experience on a regular basis also including an evaluation summary. Monitoring visits were carried out in every host institution. We also received four French groups for vocational training from our partner institution. Our participants reported their experience in school’s education forums. The evaluation forms filled out by managers of workplaces, student satisfaction questionnaires and teacher evaluations were used to gauge the level of success of this project. All forms of project evaluation clearly indicated that the set goals were achieved. Our students have expanded their professional knowledge, gained experience in an international environment and developed their foreign language communication skills. These results will be utilized in a short term by having the participants become the mentors of the next year's vocational programs at school. Our students will be able to apply the new knowledge and skills in their work and have a positive long term impact on the labour market in the home country. They will be more adaptable and responsive to the continuously changing labour market.

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