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Kenniscentrum VPT: ontwikkelen, aanbieden (bij- en herscholing), delen, innoveren van kennis van Podiumtechnologie op Internationale congressen, beurzen, bijeenkomsten. De opgedane en uitgedragen kennis wordt gedeeld binnen de gremia van de VPT.
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background of the project: The VPT (the Dutch association for stage technology) stands for the technical and professional development of podium technology and stage design. Its main aims are innovation, knowledge sharing, education, networking and to safeguard the interests of people in this sector. The VPT is a large association with approximately 1350 members (persons, companies, venues, theatre companies, educational institutes). Yearly, the VPT organizes educational symposiums and seminars that highlight specific themes and disciplines such as lighting, audio, video, (technical) production, Show control, building management, scenography, working conditions and a variety of other subjects. The VPT offers in-depth specialist workshops given by authorities in de field. The educational symposiums and seminars are not solely attended by members of the VPT, but are also attended by members of the associations that the VPT often works with, professionals who work within the sector, teachers of podium technology and so forth. VPT symposiums and seminars play a vital role in keeping up-to-date with the professional development in this sector. Because the VPT is such a broad and big organisation it is able bring together specialist from all viewpoints. The VPT does not represent a single brand, single company group or single bias; the VPT represents the whole sector in the broadest sense of the word. This means that the focus is on real innovation, education and knowledge sharing and not on the product presentations of interested parties. At the big Theatre Technology Trade Fair (CUE) the VPT organises three days of simultaneous, back-to-back lectures, workshops, round table discussions and meetings in three conferences spaces. The purpose of the project: The gaining and sharing of knowledge by our team at international meetings, workshops and conventions. The team will make use of VPT’s channels to spread the knowledge to our members and other interested parties. The educational symposiums and seminars of the VPT are open to everyone, whether or not they are members. In this project the partners are very important. OSAT as specialist in vocational education (they write vocational competence profiles and qualification dossiers). DTHG our German sister organisation that strives for the same aims. There are approximately thirty participants, a few overlap and will attend more than one international meetings. The purpose is: both the vocational retraining and professional development of theatre technology in The Netherlands and to contribute to the harmonisation of standards and regulations at the European level. The VPT is an organisation with a large sphere of influence that transcends the boundaries of this project: The VPT publishes the magazine Zichtlijnen, the professional magazine for everyone who works behind the scenes and screens of podium arts. Zichtlijnen comes out six times per year and is a full colour, 68 page magazine. It has an independent editorial staff. Within its pages you will find articles on current topics such as new theatres, new technology, special productions and designs. Every member receives a free transcription on the magazine. The VPT is organised in a work group structure in order to make sure that knowledge is shared in the right places. Every work group ( light, sound, sustainability, education, building management and design) gives input for the symposiums and seminars that are to be organised and maintains contact with their specific professional fields. The fact that the purpose and mission of the VPT is to share knowledge, guarantees that all outcomes of this project are enduring: knowledge will be preserved, shared and is part of a continuously moving process.

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