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KEEPING ON TRACK - upgrading the skills of older workers, migrants and woman working in the service, social and healthcare sectors in Europe

KEEPING ON TRACK aims to draw attention to European funded project outcomesfocusing on the matching the anticipation of skills and training provisions of olderworkers, migrants and women working in the service, social and healthcare sectors inEurope. These target groups are very important today in the European workforce butdue to low-skills and disadvantaged social situations are either of risk at dropping out ofthe labour market or have difficulties entering or re-entering the labour market.Demographic change in Europe calls for more people to participate in the Europeanworkforce while technological change and innovation is simultaneously raising thedemand for higher-skilled people across all occupations. European policy documents,such as the Lisbon Strategy from 2000 and the Copenhagen Declaration from 2002 ,Maastricht Communiqué from 2004 address the importance of addressing the needs ofgroups at risks and the need to develop flexible and individualized learning pathways toencourage people to update their skills and competences. They also emphasisestrengthening identification of skills needs. The Helsinki Communiqué from 2006 putsthe importance of mutual learning into focus as well as the need to involve allstakeholders in developing the VET systems. Project results funded in 2000-2007 fromthe Grundtvig and Leonard programme, and the European Social Fund (Equal) will becollected and analysed by a team of experts. Based on the result of the analysis,between 20-30 project results will be selected as “best practice” projects and projectinformation sheets on these projects will be created and disseminated on projectwebsite and linked to all national websites. In addition 5-8 as specific interactive “casestudies” of projects will be created. These “case studies” will be promoted specifically inall 31 European countries as examples of project outcomes that should be used formultiplication for new or same target groups and sectors in new European countries,and/or mainstreaming into national and European education systems.A European conference targeting the theme and offering a “marketplace2 of bestpractice projects will be held in The Czech Republic in April 2009. The conference willset the context for follow-up seminars in 12 European countries. Foreseen outcomesare recommendations to policy-makers and a conference report that will bedisseminated in 31 European countries. Continuous dissemination of best practice“case studies” intended for multiplication and transfer will be disseminated and valorisedby end-beneficiaries and other stakeholders at national follow-up conferences held in 12European countries from July/October 2009. The partnership will also create a websiteholding relevant policy documents and “best practice” projects and a newsletter on thetheme and innovative practices suitable for transfer and multiplication. The impactenvisaged is to draw attention of stakeholders; policy-makers, social partners and endusers,on Grundtvig, Leonardo and ESF project results dealing with the theme ofupgrading the skills of older workers, migrants and women working in the service, socialand healthcare sectors in Europe.
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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICE (KEY ACTIVITY 4)\Multilateral projects
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

12 Partners Participants