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General objectives of this project were the establishment of sustainable water resource exploitation in the area covered by the project and reinforcement of cross-border cooperation. Since the water resources within this project belong to the same ecological, hydrological and hydrogeological system, measures aimed at improving the water quality had to be drawn up in a coordinated way and adapted to the local conditions. This required the cooperation of cross-border municipalities and contributed in turn to the reinforcement of cross-border links within the public administration domain in administrative, professional and technical terms. Achievements: Within this project, records on all existing concentrated and dispersed sources of pollution were established; similarly, an inventory of the existing water purification and waste water discharge system was drawn up. In order to attract cooperation by the local population, people were accordingly informed of the project task and the results. The activities involved a follow-up of biological parameters in the area elements relating to the quality of surface and underground water on both sides of the border. In addition, a study on long-term needs with relation to drinking water for the population and economy was made. Also, a study was made on protection against floods with the purpose of establishing the existing situation and helping prevent floods which might possibly result in mixing surface waters with drinking water. Based on relevant records relating to the situation on the ground and on the follow-up of biological parameters, a draft proposal was made on possible improvements and measures concerning protection of the concerned area. The project´s final result was the elaboration of project documentation on waste water collection and discharge systems for the area covered by the project.
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  • 75%   264 023,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

7 Partners Participants