European Projects
Keep up the good work
Keep up the good work
Start date: Aug 1, 2015,
End date: Nov 30, 2016
In the EVS project under the name Keep up the good work we will host two volunteers in a small city Litija.
The biggest problem, which has been observed in recent years in our local environment is a big youth unemployment and a large proportion of early school leavers, most of them on the secondary stage, so they don't even get to the tertiary level of education, let alone to the finish. With this project we will enable professional achievement and strengthening core competencies and skills necessary for successful performance on the job market for both volunteers.
Through a variety of activities that volunteers will prepare and lead they will:
- Strengthen and improve communication in a foreign language and English language skills
- Upgrade the skills of computer programs (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweawer, Premier, ...)
- Acquired and improved knowledge of the organization of various events
- Will enhance knowledge in connection with their formal education
- They will strengthened their social competence through leading and preparing different workshops
- Throughout life and work abroad they will realize significant cultural differences and similarities between their home country and Slovenia
- Will enhance knowledge in the field of inter cultural cooperation
- They will learn to work with large and small groups of young people and thus discovered and studied the rules of group dynamics
They will be dealing with two different areas, namely, the first volunteer will for the most part dealt with the preparation and implementation of various workshops, roundtables, lectures, talk evenings, etc., Which are thematically focused in the areas of motivation of young people for the continuation and completion of schooling, youth employment, setting goals and ways to achieve them, vocational guidance of young people, self-assessment, communication, etc ... this is intended to motivate young people to finish school or to continue and upgrade theirs education. Through different activities that selected volunteer will implemented, we want to motivate and raise awareness among young people about the importance of non-formal education, as a supplement to formal qualifications.
Other volunteer will be preparing and conducting various workshops to enhance practical skills in the field of computer science, photography, multimedia - the acquisition of practical skills in the said sector is planned through several activities. The volunteer will create different promotional materials for a variety of media, he will be recording the events of our organization and assembled recorded material, will work with our patrons who are active in the field of multimedia. Every year they undertake some projects in which they are recording short skits and short films. All products are available on You tube channel of Youth Centre Litija - https://www.youtube.com/user/MClitija. We want to enable further development in this direction for a volunteer and for our visitors of the workshops. If the volunteer will lack individual knowledge, we will organize a series of training, led by longtime associates of our organization, prior conducting the workshops for visitors.
The most common activities within the project will be a variety of workshops for young people. those workshops will be different, namely: educational, preventional, creative, intercultural, culinary, Graphic design, different workshops for computeral improvement, travel, photographical, multimedial, workshops about the use of new media (with special emphasis on the social networks), workshops for building a filling of belonging to a group, motivational, ... Activities will be carried out at the premises of the Youth Centre Litija, in the courtyard in front of Youth Center Litija, in parks around the city Litija in elementary school and in high school, in the library, in the cultural center, in the student club and in the area of homestead, where volunteers will live.
All activities are designed to increase the number of active participants in our organization, particularly young people with fewer opportunities (which are largely social, economic, geographical barriers).
Activities will be implemented throughout the hosting of volunteers from 01/10/2015 to 09/30/2016. Participating countries are Slovenia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.