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Keep in Touch: Shiatsu Techniques for Building Relationships
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is based upon all the experiences made by Shiatsu-Do Onlus during 15 years of work.Shiatsu practice in particular or difficult situations, brought to outstanding achievements, in terms of improved quality of life, relationship capabilities and, more generally, the state of well-being of the persons involved.In these years we proposed Shiatsu in rehabilitation centers, with inmates in correctional facilities both adult and minor, inside tent camps set up after the earthquakes in Abruzzo and Emilia Romagna, with associations that deal with people with disabilities and a lot more, with thousands of treatments performed.In the spirit of dissemination, that is characteristic of our Association, the project "Keep in Touch" is destined specifically for organizations that deal with children and young people in different circumstances: autistic children, children with special needs and disabilities, children in social conditions considered at risk, young refugees and migrants. The project involves 5 organizations, with whom we have already collaborated in various situations, for a total of 28 participants including 6 with fewer opportunities.The goal is to provide participants with a practical and immediately usable tool to implement their daily activities. Through this, they can develop a new form of deep relationship with their users and detect, with the aim of improving their psycho-physical conditions, new solutions to the request for well-being of all the people involved in this process.The project includes a week of non-formal education for a total of 40 hours in which will be taught basic Shiatsu techniques, developed in a form of treatment that can be proposed by the participants into their work in their own territory with children and kids with disabilities and/or special needs.Work on Shiatsu techniques will be supported by group activities, typical of non-formal education. The training will be calibrated to the needs of each participant thanks to their active collaboration, during which they will share their daily experience and their working methods to the entire group.This will allow the development of a tool dedicated to the needs of each one, in absolute respect of the people it is intended for.Technical training is based on a model of observation-imitation-repetition, which leads to a natural learning, without straining, bringing the participants to acquire the spontaneity of gestures required to a fluid and relaxed practice.Upon completion of training, participants will work in their own territory with what has been learned and will provide feedback, which is also calibrated for each organization through teamwork, in which they will highlight the evolution of the people involved in the Shiatsu exchange.To facilitate the work of each participant, techniques and sequences will be shot on video and made available, along with written documentation, through a specific website/blog built for this specific project.The use of Shiatsu techniques and the relationship that develops between people, applied to the work of each organization, is a completely new and innovative experience in the countries involved, and hopefully will be a pilot project for the introduction of these disciplines in areas that usually are not associated with them.Provide a basis for research and application of these techniques in these countries, can give a boost to the experimentation of related disciplines in these fields, in a virtuous circle that focuses on the welfare of people and the relationship between them.

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