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KBS in Dublin 2014
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project (project name „KID 2014“) offered 21 trainees the opportunity to do a three-week internship in an Irish company. All of them are either training to be an industrial business management assistant or a management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade. The project was run by ‘Gewerbliche, Kaufmännische, Landwirtschafliche Schule Wangen’ (GKLS Wangen), a vocational school that is the initiator of the project and that was responsible for the preparation as well as for the follow-up of the time abroad. These processes included the selection of the applicants, communicative and cultural preparation of the participants, organization of the travel and the evaluation of the project. In doing so GKLS Wangen collaborated with its partner ‘Irish Education Partners’ (IEP), located in Dublin and in charge of finding host companies and families, as well as with local companies providing the training in Germany. Due to globalization and the companies’ growing internationalization, our trainees are facing more diverse challenges and are thus required to communicate in foreign languages and to develop intercultural competences. Therefore, our project “KID 2014” focused on the following aims: The project was designed to enable the trainees to apply and broaden their acquired professional knowledge and competences in an Irish company and to improve their oral and written performance in the English language. Furthermore, they were expected to expand their horizons by getting to know the Irish culture and lifestyle, as well as by developing an understanding for the country’s history. The project took place from 18 October to 8 November 2014. The trainees worked in Dublin companies of different economic sectors from Monday to Friday. Each Saturday the trainees were split into smaller groups and attended an intensive language course. Sundays were reserved for a cultural program, which included excursions to the different districts of Dublin as well as to the West Coast and to Northern Ireland. By successfully completing the internship, the participants developed an understanding for the working environment in Dublin. They enlarged their professional competences as they got to know different working routines. While they were staying with Irish families and working in Irish companies they developed their language skills, particularly their semantic knowledge connected to daily life and vocation. Furthermore, they enhanced methodical skills which can be applied at school and at their workplace in Germany. Their personal development and their gain of independence were of immense significance. In the long term the German employers profit from their trainees’ experience overseas and hence gain internationally experienced, mobile and professional staff. At the same time, the economic region Oberschwaben / Allgäu benefits from the cultural awareness of the region’s highly qualified workforce.
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