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Kaufmännisches Betriebspraktikum in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus mobility project is organised by the ,Berufskolleg Wirtschaft und Verwaltung‘, a certified ,Europaschule‘ in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is an integral part of the school‘s scheme to offer motivated students the opportunity to serve a work placement abroad as part of their apprenticeship. The ,Berufskolleg Siegen‘ cooperates with partner organisations in Valencia (Spain), London (UK) and Kokkola (Finland). In the course of two years 59 apprentices will get the chance to do a three-week work placement (London) or a four-week placement (Valencia, Kokkola) respectively. Students training to become clerks in various sectors such as industry or freight forwarding as well as the commercial college students who have a particularly Europe-oriented curriculum will take part in the projects.After the application procedure the students are thoroughly prepared by project leaders as well as former participants. The projects start at different times during the year. The respective partner organisation abroad provides for suitable accomodation and companies for the work placement. It also serves as contact person in situ. In Valencia and London the partner organisations are experienced agencies specialised in taking care of international apprentices. The partner in Kokkola is a vocational school that is in charge of handling the organisation of accomodation and work placement. In this case the project is an exchange, i.e., Finnish students will come to Siegen for a four-week work placement as well. The aim of the projects is to give apprentices the opportunity to experience living and working abroad. The ,Berufskolleg‘ would like to increase the number of students taking part in projects throughout Europe. The work placement gives people the chance to use their skills in completely different settings than they are used to at home and thus they experience how work is done in foreign companies. Furthermore, the projects serve to broaden their language skills in everyday situations as well as in a business context and apart from that, they increase their intercultural competence. As a result, the projects help the students to mature on a personal level and to become more open-minded regarding foreign cultures. All in all, the students develop a better understanding of the diversity in Europe and therefore they can identify with the idea of Europe. A ,Europass Mobility‘ as well as a work placement certificate will be given to the participants. It is anticipated that these documents will help the students when applying for suitable jobs on an international level. Thus, the projects are of great importance to the ,Berufskolleg Wirtschaft und Verwaltung‘. As a certified ,Europaschule‘ it is constantly striving to strengthen its international-oriented profile. The network of international partner organisations is to be expanded to give students various opportunities to take part in international mobility projects. The whole region of Siegen-Wittgenstein as a location for international business and a high export share, profits from the apprentices‘ international orientation as skilled and open-minded employees are much-needed in an internationally operating company. Mobility projects certainly contribute to achieving this goal.
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