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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This program "TRAINING IN STRATEGIC RESTRUCTURING / MODERNIZATION OF TRAVEL SERVICES WITH FOCUS ON INNOVATION AND DIVERSITY 'covered the need to improve the competitiveness of tourism businesses of the county and the observation of new knowledge; trends in tourism. Target of the project was the training of Executives tourist accommodation in order to implement practical introduction of innovations and new 'products' / value-added services in order to compete globally. The choice for training of this group executives Tourist Accommodation was made for the fact that in the region tourist of evia accommodations are the one main tourist attractions as against hotels and on the other there is a strong need for modernizing and redefining tourism services because the existing tourism potential is outdated. This need emerged from the study for tourism of the Region of Central Greece, in which the monitor needs to upgrade tourist services of Evia and the primary study of the Chamber (through questionnaires). Also , this project is in cooperation with the priorities of the National Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation , the National Priorities on the modernization of the tourist business infrastructure / services of all sizes and sectors and to encourage the creation of additional high level of supply and differentiation. MAIN OBJECTIVES of the project was to : • Implement standards and quality systems . • Implement green practices for reducing ecological footprint (eco- innovation). • Participation in clusters (networks ) and promotion of local identity and local resources . • Projection and promotion with targeted marketing activities such as the use of social media, aimed at diversity that characterizes them. • Diversification of the tourism product; a central pillar of tourism development experience; to enhance business innovation and expanding value chains , mainly linked to the tourism complex with culture, agri-food and the environment where Evia has a comparative advantage • Emergence of new services and tourist experience and expansion of the tourism chain activities. Trainees follow a coherent program with all educational adult learning methods ( brainstorming , active participation in all stages of education , linking theoretical knowledge with practical applications ) in order to achieve the best learning results. The training program was tailored to the educational needs of learners and included training sessions , workshops, thematic and cultural visits . After completion of the project participants benefited in : 1. Strengthening the capacity of the participants to adopt new practices in the tourism industry. 2. Recognition of the importance for the implementation of new trends in tourism. 3. promotion of local identity and local resources . 4. improvement of their professional outfit with new techniques aimed at upgrading of tourism services . The action has added value to action because it creates an environment where not only develop skills and acquire new knowledge for the beneficiaries , while promoting a European collaboration environment . Host organizations were Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade and MOVEU selected for implementing the program Also , the choice of countries was not accidental in which the tourism sector is highly developed. The total project duration was 14 days and took place in Spain and Portugal by 30 beneficiary participation (15 per flow) respectively).
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