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Κατάρτιση εκπαιδευτικών σε καινοτόμες εργαστηριακές εφαρμογές & τεχνικές αξιοποίησης πρώτων υλών, για την διαμόρφωση αρωμάτων από φυσικά εκχυλισματα & την ανάπτυξη φυτικών καλλυντικών & λοιπών αρωματικών προιόντων
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project based on cooperation between Sivitanidios Public School of Trades and Vocations, which is the applicant-sending organization and receiving partner organisation ASFO GRASSE.The company ASFO-GRASSE,( member of PRODAROM, National Association of Fragrance Manufacturers. Grasse, France ) has 30 years experience in education and training in the field of aromatic products and has established in 2002 the International Institute of Perfumery (Grasse Institute of Perfumery - GIP), which is considered among the best in the world.This project “ Teachers training to Natural fragrances and cosmetics" relates to training 20 teachers from Sivitanidios School at the premises of ASFO-GRASSE, to modern laboratory methods for teaching (theory and laboratory workshops) specialties:1. Technical Technology Food and Drink2. Assistant Chemical Laboratory and Quality Control3. Technical Laboratory Applications in Cosmetology, Perfumery4. Aesthetics, Cosmetology, Perfumery5. Technical Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals and related species6. Strain technology and quality control of food and beveragesSivitanidios Public School of Trades and Vocations, as part of the operational planning has included the possibility of developing its own Brand Name herbal & organic cosmetics and similar products, in cooperation with the Agricultural University of Athens and the company KORRES. The production of herbal & organic cosmetics and similar products, will be the subject of student studies EPAL and IEK students, specialties Cosmetology, Cosmetic, Perfumery and aromatic products and techniques Cosmetics, Perfumery, Pharmaceuticals and related species.The Greek cosmetics from Olive oil, honey, burning bush and other herbs conquer international markets. Already some of the most famous brands of natural cosmetics in the world are Greek (KORRES, APIVITA, BIOSELECT, MASTIC SPA etc.). The Greek herbs - known for its healing, antiseptic and regenerative properties of Ancient times- have established their position both in pharmacy and in cosmetics worldwide. Although companies operating in the area are many, the industry still has great potential for further growth in the futureMain objectives of this project are:• The development of the participant teachers skills and Knowledge, in order to transfer the experience and good practices from ASFO - GRASSE in specialist professions Cosmetology, Perfumery and Pharmacy, to their work environment and increase teaching requirements in the context of developing a new innovative curricula, in the above areas and specialties in Sivitanidios Foundation.• Upgrading the qualifications of teachers to better match between skills and labor needs, which is important for long-term job prospects of students and students of School Sivitanidios respective specialties.. To exchange experiences and to become acquainted with the methodology and practices used to partner organization.The teachers in VET, are called to a continuous process of lifelong learning in the development of skills, open to any kind of innovation that first they themselves acquire the necessary skills, and experience for the better connection of technical disciplines with the labor market.The proposed program responds to this need and participants will have the opportunity with the new laboratory methods, innovative curricula and teaching that will become acquainted not only to improve the work of education and training provided in Sivitanidios but and how they perceive and face up to today's personal and professional skills.According to the training program, main objective is training the participants through experiential exercises, workshops, educational study visits and presentations by experts of ASFO -GRASSE, so at the end of the program all the educational objectives have been achieved. The teachers after their training to " to Natural fragrances and cosmetics" will:• strengthen their role in the field of education and training in Sivitanidios supporting pupils / students of specialties in Cosmetology, Beauty, Aromatic & Medicinal products, for a successful integration and adaptation to the labor market.• upgrade their professional identity, improving their ability to match future skills to new labor market requirements• broaden their knowledge and perception of the labor market in Europe, through cooperation with an institution of international repute such as the Grasse Institute of Perfumery & the ASFO -GRASSE.The impact at regional / national level through the evaluation report of the project relates to updating the curricula of Cosmetology specialties. Beauty, Perfumery, Pharmaceutical & related products, with modern educational content and laboratory sections, aimed at a better connection of VET to the labor market needs and the business world.The project will be set up at the facilities of ASFO – GRASSE in Grasse, the city of South. France, from January 2017 until November 2018.
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