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Karrierewege im Handwerk für Dropouts: Expertenworkshop zur Unterstützung von Studienaussteigern und Studierenden
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BACKGROUND As a matter of fact and despite the demand of experts on the job market a huge number of dropouts are not or after a long period of time available for the European labour market. Very often dropouts possess expert knowledge, abilities and competences which could be very useful for an apprenticeship in the dual system. However there is still a lack of useable instruments, methods and arguments to address this target group on a transnational level and to obtain these persons for the European labour market. TARGETS As the main target of the project experts from the applying institution gain detailed information on the motivation of dropouts. Based on these informations it will be possible to develop actions, instruments and arguments for the use of the European labour market. PARTICIPANTS Three experts in the field of vocational education and training as well as addressing younger people of the applying organisation will make use of mobilities. On location of the project they will participate in workshops with students and dropouts as well as teachers in universities and vocational education and training centers. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES During the stay in Austria there will take pace three workshops with representatives of the above mentioned target group. During these workshops there will be an exchange of ideas and questions concerning the european dimension and perspectives of dropouts. METHODOLOGY Phase 1: The experts of the applying organisation inform about dropouts in Germany and Austria. Phase 2: Questionnaires and interviews in order to prepare the workshops will be developed. Phase 3: The experts get to know possibilities for addressing dropouts and develop ideas for common project ideas at the workshops in Austria. Phase 4: The participating experts develop actions, instruments and projects which are useful for addressing and obtaining of dropouts for the labour market. RESULTS AND IMPACT The most important result will be a gain of knowledge about the needs of dropouts and ideas for the development of activities and projects for addressing dropouts. LONG TERM BENEFIT The perceptions of this project will help to fight against unemployment, lack of prospects of dropouts and the demand of experts on the labour market.
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