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Karmsund videregående skole - Mobilitet
Start date: May 25, 2015, End date: May 24, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this application we are applying for project funding for the school years 2015/16 and 2016/17 for 8 students from upper secondary level 2 Health and Social Care, and 8 students from upper secondary level 2 Restaurant and Food. The placement will be during the spring, 8 students in 2016, 4 from Health an Social Care and 4 from Restaurant and Food, and 8 students in 2017, 4 from Health an Social Care and 4 from Restaurant and Food. The areas of study are in Lyon and Villefranche, France. Through this project, the school’s objective is to increase implementation of secondary education, prevent dropouts and improve recruitment in Health and Social Care and Restaurant and Food programs. The students will gain international work experience and compare the French education to the Norwegian. They will experience people of different ages and social background in their host families, and experience differences in family life, food and meals. Feedback from previous participants shows they have increased motivation to continue with and complete their education. For the students in Health and Social Care and Restaurant and Food, the aim of the project is to gain new and different experience as well as increased competence in their area of expertice.The experiences the students aquire in their international schooling and internship are continued in their further education. Positive results from previous mobilities have made internationalization a natural and important part of the education at Karmsund upper secondary school. In the subject Prosjekt til fordypning (PTF) at level 2, the students are working in a business 2x3 weeks to get familiar with the profession in different establishments. We have special curriculum for PTF in all programs belonging to Restaurant an Food and Health and Social Care. The participants will follow the PTF plan for their program during their stay in France, and focus on the extra bonus it is to be working in an establishment in a foreign country. Karmsund upper secondary school has the formal responsibility for the students during their stay in France. The host schools organize accommodation, work and leisure activities. A project group at our school are in charge of the project. This group make the necessary pre-arrangements and assist the students through It’s learning and blogging. One teacher from each programme will accompany the students to France, and assist them the first week.
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