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Karjeros ABC su Erasmus+
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aim of the project - to prepare young people for successful integration into changing the labor market of European Union, including and labor market of Lithuania. This objective will be achieved through placements of three employees of the school and 12 students - 6 car mechanics and 6 decorator (builder) in foreign organizations. Employees in receiving organizations will carry out 4 days monitoring of vocational guidance activities, and the students in 14-days- term traineeship will improve their practical skills. Expected results of the project: 1. 12 school students - 6 car mechanics and 6 decorator, participated in 14-days- term traineeship in Spain and Italy. 2. 12 students received a Europass Mobility documents proving that they during practice have improved/gained professional, foreign language skills, acquainted with foreign companies procedures of works’ organization , improved teamwork skills. 3. 3 employees of the school carried out monitoring of work by 4 working days in different educational institution in Italy, Malta and Spain. 4. This traineeship for twelve students count as a part of the apprenticeship. 5. 3 specialists of vocational training received a Europass Mobility documents proving that they during monitoring of work have improved/gained professional competencies, that are necessary to carry out students’ vocational guidance and improved their foreign language skills. 6. All participants after the project represented traineeship reports. 7. Employees prepared vocational guidance program of an optional subject module. 8. Project participants organized not less than one information event to introduce results of project. Mobility project will improve the students' integration into the labor market will enhance attractiveness of vocational education, improve the professional competencies. Planned mobilities of project participants: Students: 19 of October - 1 of November 2014 in Spain, from 15 to 28 of March 2015 in Italy. Teachers: from 19 to 24 of October 2015 in Spain, from 15 to 20 of March 2015 in Italy and Malta. Intermediary organizations: IZI Ltd in Malta, Euroform RFS in Italy and Int. Education College TEMIS/Tene in Spain.
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