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Kardio-vasküler Sistem Hastalıklarının Bakımında AB Uygulamaları Stajı
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main reasons of cardio-vascular diseases (heart and vascular diseases) are the increase in the average of age, unhealthy nutrition and the spread of smoking habits and according to the data of World Health Organization cardio-vascular diseases are the first most common cause of death. In the absence of proper treatment and care, cardio-vascular diseases can also cause other systematic problems. Therefore it is very important that the nurse should recognize the cardio vascular problems in the patient and the nurse should make a conscious approach and care. For this reason medical personals applying care service for the cardio vascular diseases should be trained according to the universal nature and also they should be supplied with modern information, skills and competences. Our school Kazan Fatih Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School is a vocational educational institution carrying out its activities in order to train skilled personnel who is searched by the health sector within the vocational system of education. Our students get theoretical training in our school but they perform their application studies in the state hospital in our district. Our students graduate without performing application studies that the health sector acquires for the vocational skills. This situation in an important hinder for our students to become a skilled health staff. Also in recent years the number of private medical vocational high school has been increased and therefore there are many graduates waiting to work in the health sector and this situation limits the employment opportunities of our students. For this reason it is necessary that our students should increase their employment opportunities with the training activities. They can improve their professional skills apart from the regular educational approach. Our school aims to train more qualified medical staff by providing the modernization in our educational environment. The goal of our project; including our participants in the training activities about the care of cardio vascular diseases during 2 weeks in the health facilities that have high level information, skill and experiences in the field of modern and health in Europe, increasing the standards of their vocational skills, increasing their employment opportunities, enabling them to fulfill their professional specialization, training skilled staff in the health sector. In order to achieve these objectives Germany in country Klinikum Bremerhaven, Romania in country Spitalul de Pneumotiziologie and Portugal in country CIMB with these hospitals we get into partnership in the European dimension.Mobility activities of our project comprise 3 different flows and for each host institution a flow will be organized. All flows will simultaneously hold from March 5 to March 19, 2017. Each flow has 12 participants and 1 accompanying teacher for a total there will be 36 participants and 3 accompanying teachers. Our participants will be chosen from the Nursing Department 11th and 12th grades. Our project’s expected impacts and results are; improving language skills of our participants, gaining self-confidence, being individuals having europeanness awareness, increasing their learning performance, understanding the importance of language diversity and intercultural interaction, applying modernist studies in our school, increasing the level of educational quality and institutional capacity of our school, establishing modernization, sustainable partnership and creating awareness for EU projects in the target groups. The long-term objectives of our project are; training more qualified health staff by increasing the educational quality and vocational capacity of our school, creating an education environment where lifelong learning and international qualification are adopted, with the domestic and international validity certificate the participants can work in everywhere, improving the cooperation of health intuitions and schools, establishing new and quality learning environment by ensuring the continuity of partnership and increasing the quality of education in health sector. A management team will be established to carry out the project and all activities will be organized by the management team. The team will make the distribution of tasks among themselves and also they will record all duties and responsibilities by signing contracts with all project actors. Project actors will fulfill their duties and responsibilities in all phases of the project and all activities will be carried out in a planned and quality way.

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