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Κάνοντας την Επαγγελματική Εκπαίδευση και Κατάρτιση πιο ελκυστική.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project wants to offer structured training opportunities abroad to staff in this theme: "Making vocational educational training more attractive" in October 2015. The participants will be 16. The school wants to use the skills, competences and knowledge learnt at the course to train the staff involved in the development of innovative and revolutionary features to increase the attractiveness of VET. The project is also supported by an innovative management philosophy that is set on the concept of organizational happiness, intimately connected with the well-being of people, who live, a great part of their lives, in the school organization. This concept will be used as foundation to the sustainability and prosperity of the cluster of schools that bears its action in values such as responsibility, compromise, sharing, solidarity and empathy. Therefore, and having the above mentioned background, this school organization has identified a group of needed improvements, framed in the following intervention areas: attractiveness of VET and guidance and counselling. Hence, the general goal will be enabling specialized training in these areas to a group of people that show motivation, availability, flexibility and compromise in sharing the knowledge in a later internal training. The employed methodology will emphasize research/action, which appraises the teacher as a researcher of his/her own practice, someone who reflects on, his/her actions ramping up to structuring changes. These will be evaluated by resorting to a skills/competences core that will set a goals reference to all the intervening actors. With this intervention plan, we intend to improve the processes of transformational leaderships , the school results and people’s knowledge in this school organization on the medium and long term , so that this knowledge will become useful , can and will be used and improved, building up a swirling evolution.

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