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Kamnik Students Beyond Borders
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Gimnazija in srednja šola Rudolfa Maistra Kamnik (Rudolf Maister Grammar and Vocational School from Kamnik) has enrolled in Erasmus+, KA1 mobility projects for learners, with the project titled: Kamnik Students Beyond Borders. With a assistance of four partner organizations, Teatrium Grünau from Germany and EuroVia form the United Kingdom, Društva Naš otrok from Austria and Agrupamento de Escolas de Ferreira de Castro from Portugal five mobility flows will be prepared, each lasting a fortnight. Participants of the motilities are: 10 students with 2 mentors for the field of theatre, 7 students and 1 mentor for the single mobility in Leeds, 4 students in Austria and 7 students in Portugal. The main topics of all 4mobilities are: performance art, music, theatre, pre-school education and sign communication for toddlers. We are proud to address and support the development of preschool education, one of the key objectives of the Erasmus+. Since the previous mentioned skills are difficult to attain in Slovenia, we have decided to bridge this gap by the means of international mobility, more specifically, with a help of tutors and mentors of partner organizations with whom we have prepared well-thought-through programmes that will help our students to acquire skills in the field of musical and theatre performance and sign communication. It will also strengthen their language, culture and social skills. Students involved in the mobility in Great Britain will be placed in different kindergartens to undergo the obligatory vocational trainings. Before departure, a linguistic, cultural, psychological and general preparation will take place. Students in Portugal will do have practical training in a school with economics programme. School will be in charge of Europass documentation, organisation of the trip, insurance. The main objective of the mobility is: professional growth of the learners and specialisation in particular fields and therefore better employability. With Erasmus+ programme we address also also the reduction of early school leaving. Working in the frame of extracurricular activities, students gain self-confidence and realise the proper value. We believe that with a proper selection of students and well prepared programme we could disseminate our results at regional, national and European level. The project duration will be two years.
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4 Partners Participants