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Καινοτόμες Μέθοδοι και Νέες Τεχνολογίες στην Επαγγελματική Εκπαίδευση
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 2nd Vocational School of Trikala is a school of technical and vocational education that exists for 25 years in the prefecture of Trikala. 350 students are currently enrolled and 55 teachers of general education subjects and technical specifications are employed. Students come from all parts of Trikala and most travel long distances to reach the school. A significant proportion of students comes from vulnerable backgrounds, 15% of our students are foreigners. The participants in the mobility project are in the third grade students of the sector of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The sector qualifies in primary agricultural production, processing and marketing of agricultural products. At the same time, the sector refers to the relationship between agriculture and environment which is of primary and fundamental importance in recent years. The student comes from families who have farms. This project aims at developing innovative skills in matters relating to cultivation without soil preparation and use of organic fertilizers. In this way it combines the new technology in agricultural production with environmental protection and sustainable development. The project is implemented with the working student placement in enterprises in Rimini Italy engaged in cultivation without soil (mineral wool, water), composting and implementation of denitrification measures in crops. After completing the project, trainees will become multipliers of a new mode of agricultural production, with high efficiency in line with addressing environmental problems of their area. For the training needs of staff, is proposed the enhancement of their knowledge in relation to mobile learning (m-Learning), i.e. the utilization of specific models of portable devices (tablets) in the school environment. It focuses on various fields potential for use and integration of these new mobile devices in educational functioning of our body. The objectives of the project are enriching skills, contact with other tactics and attitudes, strengthening the European dimension of the organization, openness, participation in innovative collaborative networks. It includes learning mobility abroad, one week for three professors of informatics with excellent knowledge of the English language, highly qualified, available for training and participation in EU programs, establishment of European partnerships and dissemination of acquired knowledge. The training activity supports new methods of learning, dealing with international experiences and best practices for creative learning with tablets, the creation of learning content, social networks and Internet security. The project supports a new culture of learning and motivates learning with modern and interesting topics, helps innovation and skills, knowledge and experience. It brings together different cultures, tactics and strategies, strengthens the European dimension of the school and builds business ties and European cooperation networks in the field of "Future learning with i-Pads and Tablets".

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