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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is an investment in the improvement of education by means of an innovative and focused on a student attitude and it also uses modern methods of teaching.The project execution is planned for one year and it is aimed to the managers of Erasmus+ projects and the teachers of foreign languages (English and German) in our school. The project's partners are institutions from Portugal and Finland. This project involves two activities. The first one is a 10-day course of Portuguese in Portugal in July 2016 for 3 people involved in the execution of EU projects. The second activity is job shadowing. One-week job shadowing for 6 teachers of foreign languages is planned to be organised in Finland in September 2016.The main aim of the project is to tranfer innovative solutions, to improve and to modernize our methods of foreign languages' teaching and also to learn Portuguese in order to raise up the abilities of EU projects managers for the international dimension in education.As for the job shadowing, this activity will be a great opportunity to learn about the Finnish educational system and their solutions used to teach foreign languages. It will enable our teachers to broaden their knowledge and their qualifications. The next important aim is to get to know some innovative methods of teaching. It will contribute to the improvement of teaching quality, which will result in the increase of students' language competence. Due to more attractive lessons of foreign languages, students will participate in the lesson more willingly and learning English and German will not cause any problems.The participants will also develop their intercultural competence by taking part in trips in Portugal and Finland organised by the partner. The cultural programme will enable them to learn about the host country, its history, culture and tradition.The school will provide the participants with transport, insurance, some pocket money. The host institutions will provide accommodation, food, local transport and cultural programme. The project will be monitored by all partners and after its end it will be evaluated on the level of a participant and project. All the results will be disseminated and used after coming back form Portugal and Finland. The hard deliverables of the project will be lesson plans of foreign language classes prepared by the teachers. The expected result will be raising and gaining new professional qualifications, proved by different certificates, also be the document Europass-Mobility and furthermore, by participating in Portuguese and Finnish course, incerasing the language competence. As far as the dissemination of results is concerned, a conference will be organised, where the participants of the project, the school management, representatives of governing and controlling authority, partners, students and their parents will be invited.The project aims also at the personal development of teachers by the contact with other teachers and other culture. Apart from the improvement of teaching quality, the project will contribute to the school's increase of competitiveness on the local educational market, to better results of recruitment process, the school will gain prestige as a thriving institution which provides their students with a successful career start.The project fits in the European Development Plan of school because the applicant institution observes the need of EU project execution. They contribute to the improvement of teaching quality, teaching effects, to the increase of language competence and personal development. ZSSB wants to be an institution open for international cooperation, because it brings benefits for both students and teachers. Projects allow to develop in many areas e.g. project management, learning foreign languages, staff competence and abilities. The applicant institution guarantees the highest quality of the planned project and ensures that it will make its best to execute the activities on the highest level.

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