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Getting to know one another is essential to building an harmonious and fraternal European Union.For this reason, the Conseil Général du Pas-de-Calais and Kent County Council are committed to making the European Union real and perceptible to their students. By developing and promoting cross-border exchanges, the partners will encourage every student, during their school life, to travel at least once to the other side of the Channel, meeting their counterparts; to practice their language skills and discover the culture. By sharing everyday life, tastes and values students will be encouraged to feel and live as European citizensThe joint production of a bilingual newsletter by the British and French students will be the real medium for their exchanges, giving them the opportunity to share their experiences and use their translation skills. It will provide real opportunities for students to enhance their communication skills, both written and spoken, and it is intended that both individual and school links forged by the visit should be long term and sustainable.In addition a bilingual, bilateral website will be created. This will include an online version of the newsletter and will enable students to communicate and exchange information by facilitating « chats » and having space for « blogs » so that students can share their experiences in real time. There will be a specifc area on the website providing school staff and cross-border visit organisers with useful information in order to plan successful visits. The website will provide practical information together with educational and cross-sector information, with the emphasis on enlightened, environmentally sound tourism, including sustainable development.The website is intended to have a lifespan beyond this pilot project, to be responsive to its users and evolve with them as a sustainable resource. The website will become a useful tool in the planning and realisation of successful cross-border exchanges.

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