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Jūrniecības specializēto priekšmetu pasniedzēju kompetenču paaugstināšana
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Maritime Vocational School aims to send two teachers of professional subjects to teacher training courses in Southampton, United Kingdom, initiated by the teachers own motivation, professional development aims and the school's needs. Both teachers study in HEI's in Latvia to raise their qualifications and work on theses, therefore the selected courses would be a good enhancement. 1) COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLSThese courses aim to give participants the opportunity to:• Compare vocational training in Britain with their own countries• Improve their command of English in their specialist fields.• Gain new ideas for teaching English as a Foreign Language and especially English for Vocational Purposes• Up-date their knowledge of various aspects of British commerce/industry and of their specialist field as it exists in Britain2) COURSE FOR TEACHERS IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLSThese courses aim to give participants the opportunity to:• Compare vocational training in Britain with their own countries• Improve their command of English in their specialist fields• Up-date their knowledge of various aspects of British commerce/industry and of their specialist field as it exists in BritainAims of the Project comply with the following priorities of the school's strategical development:- to raise competences of the special subject teachers;- to enhance the teacher's motivation their performance improvement by introducing new methods and teaching aids;- to improve teacher's command of English in their special fields;- to teach some of the professional subjects in English;- to develop cooperation with other schools of similar profile in Europe.
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