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Junakovo popotovanje
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth Exchange Hero's Journey will bring planning, preparation and start of implementation of completed non-formal education model developed by the movement Transition 2 Resilience . It will focus on raising awareness among young people about the importance of their own vision, fostering active participation in society and recognizing needs, desires , knowledge and skills of young people in transition to adulthood . Young people will be through participatory methods and experiential learning directed to independent and responsible relationship with themselves and enviroment. The goal of youth exchange is, together with young people from four European countries, carry out a pilot project of the Hero's Journey , which would later be offered also to other interest groups in Slovenia and Europe. Young people will learn about the model of Hero's Journey , the manners and forms of work , different methods and techniques , and by using their own knowledge and experience help to transform the program of exchange according to the needs and aspirations of young people. In addition, young people will learn how to plan sustainable projects using method of Dragon Dreaming , prepare a plan for the promotion of the Hero's Journey and design a plan for a new international activity, which will be followed as a longterm effect of this exchange. Participants will come from four countries from each country 5 participants. It will be a mixed structure of young people by the age, socially and geographically. Activities will be carried according to the model of the Hero's Journey, adhering to an eightstep circular matrix (call, crossing the threshold , creating a fellowship, exploring the world , in the belly of the monster, magical flight, resurrection , return) and through which young people will learn about and practice the role of the individual in relation to oneself and the environment in which they are active. Activities will include raising awareness of needs and desires of a person, setting goals and identifying learning effects, laws of group dynamics, and design of personal and social projects through the creation of a vision, taking commitments, effective implementation and final celebration with recognizing results. The methodology used in the exchange will be based on active participation, group dynamics, culturality and multilingualism, open communication , and identifying and raising awareness . The result of the exchange will be preparation and upgrade of non-formal education program , which will be shaped be young people . For this purpose, they will be included in the evaluation of activities and working methods, in the preparation of promotional plan and planning of the implementation of the new international activity, upgrading this exchange . Effects of the project will be related mainly to plan the Heroes Journey as a non-formal way of education, which could be used by all participating countries with their organizations. The continuation of cooperation between partner countries and the continued use of the program are connected with long-term effects of the exchange. Through the design of a new international activities and the implementation of the program in all participating countries, the exchange will reach more long-term effect on the environment.

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