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Jumping out of the box and find your path! - Outdoor activities to promote alternative and positive behaviors
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Most of the times we are used to deal with youngsters framed in a mind group, in the incessant attempt to stick to the mainstreaming and ordinarily regarded “cool” behaviors: their point is abide by the leader’s group mentality, adjusting to risky or borderline attitudes that oftentimes results in alcohol or drugs problems. Jumbo is a cultural exchange between european and non european young people. We gathered together 30 young people most of them from 18 to 26 years old coming from 3 different Eu’s nationalities (Estonia, Netherlands, Italy) and from one non Eu country (Azerbaijan). The project lasted 8 days from 31 August to 7 September 2014 and it has been settled in Lucca, a small town in the heart of Tuscany (Italy). The participants were identified by partner agencies in each country. Some of them came from disadvantaged contexts for social, economic or health reasons.The goal of the project was to give young people a different point of view about how to deal their daily lives, enjoying but at the same time avoiding dangerous behaviors and being completely integreted in the social life. The project wanted to facilitate positive behaviors towards the others cultures, encourage the dialog and the contact with others young people coming from different cultural contexts, stimulate the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of the participants and their ability to problem-solving, stimulate cooperation in carrying out daily tasks and spread the knowledge of principles such as democracy, equality, tolerance, justice, civil rights and foster a sense of belonging as citizens.In a comfy and non-formal setting they had the chance to talk freely about the relationship with the “group rules”, about situation of exclusion or isolation in their reality and about the most trendy behaviors they have generally to stick in order to be labelled as “cool guys” and be integrated in the inner-circle.The week was split in to 2 different parts:1. Outdoors activities on the hills. After a first introductory day of the different groups and organizations and the explanation of the aim of the exchange, we lead participants straight to the topic. Through ice breaking games, team building activities and role plays, they lived also an experience outdoor, very close to an adventure, in a trip around the hills. With a big villa as head quarter the participants, divided in small groups, moved outside as in a labyrinth they had drawn to find their own way out. The target of this first part was to boost self-confidence, to help each other cooperatively and to learn problem-solving abilities looking for creative solutions.2. Recollecting activities and discussion. After the experiential phase the group was one more time divided into different and mixed small-scaled parts in order to discuss and share more intensively the experiences previously lived. They had to identify the obstacles met, how to overcome them, what they felt and what they can transfer in their own daily life (relationships, sport, job hunting, leisure time, etc.). Reflections concerned also their lifestyle and what they want to change when they were back home about their behaviors, attitudes and habits. Through a vocational training workshop run by an expert they were invited to devise and design similar outdoor activities for pair group in their own town. After these 2 days we discussed how these kinds of activities could help people with fewer opportunities with a view to be included into the “inner circle”.Alongside the development of the youth exchange we explored the real interests of the young people, with a view to foster them to a critical and independent thinking stepping out the strict foundations of the group. Avoiding patronizing learning methods and with an experiencial approach, we tried to raise awareness about relevant alternative routes to have fun in a responsible way. Among the participants there was suddenly a climate of complicity that has fostered the activities, the knowledge and the exchange of opinions, sometimes very different, because of the different cultures of origin and backgrounds.
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3 Partners Participants