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Jokirannalta maailmalle
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jun 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The new application has become a topical issue due to the updated internationalization plan. We have had Comenius projects in the early 21st century in Jokiranta school, but now we have had a long break with them. The School’s teaching staff has changed, the youngsters have become more international and within the teaching methods are foreign contacts used frequently. Students' attitude towards internationalization will benefit from these Erasmus+ projects, not only by new teaching methods or the development of new ideas, but also within the new curriculum. Students will actually see the internationalization of the school when the school is acting as a JobShadowing -host. Similarly, the teachers who have participated a course or done Jobshadowing in another country will tell about their journey and share their experiences with the students and that way increase the students’ understanding and idea of the global movement. When these things are done in practice at school, it is a much more efficient way to introduce students the opportunities the global movement has, instead of just introducing random projects. The students' European identity will be strengthened through these actions. Visiting a new country and a getting to know different school systems might help the teachers to see their work through new eyes. Through these projects, we can improve the community and interaction between the teachers and students. In addition, the joint operations will improve our working environment and co-operation skills. Exchange teachers will bring their own culture and way of teaching. This way we can offer international experiences also for those students who are not able to travel outside of Finland. According to our school’s internationalization plan, the school seeks to increase students’ international and cultural skills so that they can become global citizens. We will send two teachers to the Job Shadowing periods and a total of ten teachers to different courses. They are all our school’s teachers, who have already spent some time working in our school and who feel that they need international experiences. Students' attitude towards internationalization will benefit from these Erasmus+ projects, not only by new teaching methods or the development of new ideas, but also within the new curriculum. Students will actually see the internationalization of the school when the school is acting as a JobShadowing -host. Similarly, the teachers who have participated a course or done a Jobshadowing in another country will tell about their journey and share their experiences with the students and that way increase the students’ understanding and idea of the global movement. In general, not only to develop the teachers’ own subject teaching, but more broadly to develop school’s international activities and bring them into a new phase. We have achieved the project objectives, if the teachers and the school's own international attitude and the sense of European identity has improved, the school's practices have changed towards more international, and they have become a part of our school’s everyday activities.
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