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Joint Work for Better Water Quality in the Baltic Sea Region (JOBWAB)
Start date: Oct 31, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A clean and healthy sea and beautiful archipelagos are attractive to inhabitants, visitors and biodiversity. Unfortunately the environmental situation in the Baltic Sea is in a state of deterioration, eutrophication is a major threat to the ecosystem, mainly due to nutrient emissions from the Baltic Sea countries. The coastlines of Sweden and Finland constitute app 2/3 of the total coastline and thus have a significant impact on the aquatic environment. The importance of transnational cooperations has never been greater in order to understand the changes in the sea and to improve the Baltic Sea env. The County Administrative Board of Östergötland (CAB) therefore initiated this project together with the Government of Aland (ALR). The Swedish county of Östergötland and Aland are two areas with similar geography and problems with environmental impacts from agriculture, fishing, boating and archipelago tourism. The projects main objective is to have an exchange of information and experience between the participating countries, focusing on eutrophication issues and integrated marine management. By developing a transnational expert network for exchange of information and experience, between our regions, we can increase our joint knowledge of water management. By learning from each other and emphasize factors of success we can strengthen our efforts to save the Baltic Sea. Then we will be more efficient in our continued work with environmental monitoring and marine management. The overall target is to emphasize good examples from each region and share each others knowledge to find the most cost-efficient methods to improve the environmental quality of the Baltic Sea. The JOBWAB project is divided in two Work Packages: WP1 – Project management and coordination and WP2 - Exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of water management. During WP2 the project partners will meet and have discussions, sharing experiences and thoughts, focusing on three themes: 1. Environmental monitoring – about the upcoming mapping, characterization and classification of water bodies which will be done in the Water Framework Directive during 2013. 2. Organisation and public participation in water management – emphasizing good examples on how to increase and stimulate the public interest and commitment for environmental measures in agricultural and archipelago areas. 3. Environmental measures – emphasizing good examples on costeffective environmental measures, such as latrine from leisure boats, wetlands, private sewers etc. The partners will compare and discuss models and plans for working sustainably and cost-efficiently with environmental measures. The themes will be illustrated by study-visits in each partner region combined with expert meetings. A report from studyvisits and meetings will be the outcomes. During the project we will also investigate the possibilities for a future larger EU-project concerning water management in the Baltic Sea area. Achievements: The main objective of the project was to have an exchange of information and experiences between the participating countries, focusing on eutrophication issues and integrated marine management. By developing a cross-border expert network for exchange of information and experiences, the knowledge of water management was able to be used more efficiently. A model for how the environmental work around the Baltic Sea can be more cost-efficient was developed and resulted in a road map of how to work with sustainable measures to reduce eutrophication and improve the environment. The project also investigated the opportunities for a wider EU-project in the future concerning water management in the Baltic Sea area.
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  • 75.1%   146 846,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Baltic (FI-SE-EE-LA)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants