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Joint Job Burnout Interventions for Beginner Nurses, Nurse Students and Care Workers
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Burnout is a syndrome affecting more and more European care and health professions due to exposure to a wide range of potentially stressful situations and social and economic conditions. Nurses, nurse students and care workers are permanently in contact to vulnerable people, illness and death, they are subject to multiple job stressors including high workloads , irregular and unsocial hours of work, high physical and emotional demands. Cuts of hiring, labour migration and need to integrate in new professional and social contexts are also challenging conditions.JOBIS aims to raise awareness among health and care professionals, as well as among stakeholders concerning the need for increased knowledge, attitude change and acquisition of practices for preventing and coping with burnout syndrome in the 5 partner countries. The solution offered by JOBIS is an international burnout prevention and coping blended-learning methodology addressed to nurses, care workers and social workers, for which a comparative analysis collecting data from the 5 countries will be elaborated, a VET curricula, training contents and ICT materials will be developed, a training platform for the on line training and coaching activities will be created and tested, a network of specialized trainers will be trained and coached, a pilot training sessions will be organized in order to fine-tune tools and materials. As a consequence of the project activities, 15 trainers will be trained in burnout prevention and coping blended-learning methodology, minimum 200 nurses, 300 nurse student and 40 care workers will participate in burnout prevention and coping VET trainings during the project duration, a sustainable and transferable burnout prevention and coping training platform in 5 languages will be created, a training brochure and a Burnout in health professions comparative analysis will be published, 5 dissemination seminars will be organized. The project will have an important impact on the competences on burnout prevention and coping of the target groups in the 5 countries and at European level, on the awareness level of stakeholders concerning the need of health and social professionals to protect against burnout using high quality accessible and attractive training solutions and, not lately, on the capacity building of the partner organizations as a result of participating in the project.
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4 Partners Participants