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Joint Innovation & Synergies in Education and Research - Mediterranean Region
Start date: Dec 15, 2010,

JISER-MED targets the main collective HE & Research actors in the EU and the Mediterranean region, some of whomare already members or associated partners (in particular IEMED, but also EPUF and others) and, through them, theHE academic and policymaking community. JISER-MED will promote the active participation of EUROMED Institutionsas well as students, academic staff, policy makers, managers and administrators. Its multiplying effect will benefitEUROMED HE Advisors and Counselors as well as the Research community in both regions.Among its most important outputs JISER-MED envisages carrying out a survey to former MED students in EU,comparison studies on QA issues, research papers on strengthening the relations between HE & Research, roundtables,forums, workshops and seminars and a dynamic website portal, to foster active participation and debateamong stakeholders in JISER-MED.The experience of these networks will prove extremely valuable to extend the project beyond the funding period andwill ensure the continuity and dissemination of a broader understanding between Europe and itMediterranean Neighbors towards the creation of the EUROMEDITERRANEAN Common Area in HigherEducation and Research.

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