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Joint Hungarian-Serbian business club of gastronomical organisations (Gastro-club)
Start date: Feb 28, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is to establish a framework for businesses to meet each other in the borderline. This framework is a business-club, which is open for all enterprises and other organizations, which are interested in Gastro-business. The joint Gastro-club is the common institutional background enhancing entrepreneurial cooperation. We invite the organizations from the "gastro-sector" (restaurants, taverns, hotels, guest-houses, cellars, spirit makers, food processors, etc), who are interested to offer the traditional values of the region for the tourists, and who are interested to cooperate with each other. At the beginning of the project we organize an opening conference in Kecskemét, where we invite the potential partners from Serbian side of the border too. The Chambers In Kecskemét and Sombor have good connection and databases to invite every potential. The establishment of the Gastro-club will be the basis for the further programmes. The main elements of the common programme of Gastro-club: 12 club events (information meeting of the enterprises and interesting lectures), 10 seminars (1-3 days professional programmes), Gastro-caravan: participation on 10 local fair or festival. Each programme element shared between partners. (8 seminars to be organized in Serbia, and the other 2 in Hungary.) We plan at least 60 enterprises to participate in the program. The legal form is to be decided by the participants. The Gastro-club activity will be introduced to the wide public by a brochure and a website and we publish our activities in newspapers, local TV, radio. At the end of the project the Gastro-club will "grow up", and willbe sustainable by its members. It is important: this club will be open all the time for enterprises in the border region and this form gives a sustainability to the cooperation after the project duration. Achievements: The project partners embarked on establishing a business structure in the border region which would allow closer cooperation and networking within the gastro sector. The structure took the form of a business club, open to all enterprises and organisations involved or interested in the gastro business. The joint Gastro Club provides an institutional background for the entrepreneurial cooperation. The project partners invited all types of entities from the gastro sector, such as restaurants, taverns, hotels, guesthouses, wine cellars, distillers, food producers, and alike, to join the Gastro Club and prepare a well planned joint tourist offer based on the traditional food, drinks and recipes of the region. All potential participants gathered at the opening conference in Kecskemét. After the Gastro Club was initialised, its members participated in a number of events and had the opportunity to improve their professional knowledge in various fields of tourism and gastronomy. The participants were able to learn about latest trends and opportunities for enriching their offer through seminars about organic food production, about beer production, about cheese production and about making jam; the barista seminar, the “Characteristics of the Serbian Kitchen” seminar, as well as a seminar about bakery products and burek. They also attended seminars about the future of Hungarian gastronomy and latest trends as well as about healthy diet and healthy life style. But the main and emblematic activity of this project was the Gastro Caravan which participated in ten local fairs and festivals and, together with other PR activities, promoted the gastro Club throughout the region. By the end of the project the Gastro Club had become a well-developed and self-sustaining association, which will remain dedicated to its present and future members as well as to the promotion of regional gastronomy.
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  • 85%   165 153,30
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants