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Joint flood protection system development on the right bank of Crisul Repede river in the cross-border area (CRISULHURO)
Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim the project is to enhance the flood safety of the flood-control system on the right bank of Crisul Repede. For this two dike-reeve\'s plants in bad state will be restored on both border sides, the Crisul Repede hydrographical station on the state border will be restored; on the Romanian side the dike crown stabilization at the section of the dike Santion stone mine and Tarian dike-reeve\'s house will be implemented. The main professional activity of the project is to restore the out-of-date establishments in the border area; this activity includes as follows: - restoration of the dike-reeve\'s houses and its outbuildings in Körösszakál, - restoration of the automatic water gauge in the storing profile and IT improvement (Hungary) - restoration of the dike-reeve\'s house and its outbuildings in Tobolu (Romania) - restoration of the dike-reeve\'s house and its outbuildings in Tarian (Romania) - stabilization of the dike crown of the dike on the right bank of Crisul Repede in the section between the stone mine in Santion and the dike-reeve\'s house in Tarian The direct target group is formed by the specialists of the project partners. Expected Results: Among the project results: 4 dike-reeve\'s plants restored 1 joint monitoring system developed, 1 automated water gauge restored.

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  • 85%   510 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants