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Joint farm diversification strategy in the Hungarian-Serbian borderline (RURALNET-HU)
Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: May 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vojvodina and Bács-Kiskun County mainly rural areas, where agriculture is very important economical sector but this single income source is not enough to keep the population in rural territories. In the small- and medium-size farms agricultural production cannot provide sufficient income for the subsistence of a family. There are many good examples in the EU and over the world, which can be good practices for the agricultural producers in the borderline, where the people are interested to find new, alternative businesses, but they need support to find the "right way". In Western Europe agricultural production is ensured mainly by family farms and they have more experince about alternative activities which is supported by CAP. Objective of the project to broad the economic activity in the Hungarian-Serbian borderline and creating a more balanced and stable economy by generating diversification process. During implementation of the project we complete a study (Main chapters are: 1. Analysis of the present situation of rural diversification in the Hungarian-Serbian borderline. 2. International experiences about farm diversification 3. Farm diversification strategy 2020 of Hungarian-Serbian borderline. 4. Farm diversification toolkit. 5. Model business plans.) We elaborate 12 model business plan about alternative activities(honey production, dried vegetable and fruit production, cheese production, herbs production, pickles production, fruit preserving, homemade farinaceous products, oil-pressing, meat processing on small farms, rural tourism, handicraft products on small farm, renewable energy slutions on small farms). These modells will be published as a separate brochures. We will organize 12 local visits at model alternative businesses, 10 local information meetings for farmers, 12 workshops to elaborate study, 8 project meetings to coordinate activities, opening and closing conferences. Achievements: Vojvodina and Bács-Kiskun County are mainly rural areas, where agriculture is a very important sector of the economy, but this single source of income is not sufficient to keep the population in rural areas. The agricultural output of a small or a medium-sized farm cannot provide the income needed to sustain a family. There are many examples of good practice in the EU and around the world which agricultural producers along the border could adopt to find new, alternative types of business. However, they need support to do this. The objective of the project was to broaden economic activities along the Hungarian-Serbian border and to create a more balanced and stable economy by generating diversification processes. During the implementation of the project, the partners completed a study, the main chapters of which were: Analysis of the present situation of rural diversification along the Hungarian-Serbian border; International experiences about farm diversification Farm diversification strategy until 2020 on the Hungarian-Serbian border; Farm diversification toolkit Model business plans. The partners elaborated twelve model business plans for alternative activities: honey production, dried vegetable and fruit production, cheese production, herb production, pickles production, fruit preserving, homemade farinaceous products, oil-pressing, meat processing in small farms, rural tourism, handicraft products of small farms, renewable energy solutions for small farms. These models were published in separate brochures. The partners also organised study visits to farms engaged in the alternative business model, organised local information meetings for farmers, and workshops to elaborate the study. During the activities, local farmers became acquainted with good practices which will help them improve their competitiveness and the competitiveness of the entire region.

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  • 85%   88 060,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants