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Joint actions for solving of joint youth problems (ILPR.02.02.00-72-186/10-00)
Start date: Apr 30, 2013, End date: Oct 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to a viable and attractive quality of life and sense of social equality in Tauragė – Sovetsk regional development working with young people by strengthening of the intercultural dialogue and understanding of young people in Pagegiai – Silale – Sovetsk borderline region through sports and arts. Achievements: 1. New outdoor sport field with 2016 m2 in area constructed and equipped in Pagegiai (Lithuania). 2. Skate-park with 1800 m2 in area constructed and equipped in Sovetsk (Russia).3. Necessary equipment for organizing of 3 camps purchased.4. 1 art camp for 36 participants arranged in Silale (Lithuania).5. 1 festival of youth subcultures for 100 participants organized in Sovetsk.6. 1 sport camp for 36 participants organized in Pagegiai.7. 50 posters published and distributed in Pagegiai, 1 printing of leaflets releases in Sovetsk.8. 18 coordination meetings and 1 project conference organized in Pagegiai for 50 participants.9. 17 articles, 4 broadcasts made. One web-site was created in Sovetsk. One information stand installed in Sovetsk.10. Project evaluation report prepared.

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  • 90%   739 840,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Lithuania-Poland-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants