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Join hands to learn cultural differences
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In many European countries, the knowledge of foreign cultures of people working in the tourist sector is still insufficient, especially if we speak of other languages than English. Furthermore, for students and professionals working in tourism the ability of understanding of differnet cultures and speaking foreign languages is an essential factor for raising competitiveness and entrepreneurship. The main objective of the project was to develop and promote non-formal learning to motivate language learners (in particular higher education and university students in the tourist sector) and to enhance their capacity for better understanding of cultural differences and and this mainly in Turkey. In vocational high schools of Tourism or in Tourism departments of Universities it is clear that some very necessary and useful knowledge can not be gained by the students. This missing part is to promote intercultural competences and learning cultural differnces which is standing in the centre of Tourism world. In the field of tourism all the workers and tourism proffessionals are in need of better understanding of cultural differences to serve it in the best way. So it is clear that the learners of Tourism even the workers of tourism should face with the people from different cultures. In fact it means that students of tourism shoud practice to learn different cultures and different beliefs and different values and different way of life. So they can tolerate the people they serve and have good relationships and fruitful dialogues which is essential for the workers of tourism . It is so important that if you cannot interact with a person from a differnt counrty , despite your many stared hotels you can not be very succesfull in Tourism. Hence we as Serik Municipality have seen this youth mobility as achance for young people who have been studying on Tourism - in all subjects : hotel management, marketing or service etc- to practice in their proffession in a European country. In Serik there is a vocational High school of Tourism and have many students who want to practice in their proffession Generally the graduated students work in the area in Serik or in Antalya where potansial is very high for tourism as the area is one of the most popular tourist attraction in the world. Serik town has not gained its importance satisfyingly and this project will also contribute to the awereness raising on touristical capacity of it. The students will promote self confidence and learn other cultures and promote protocol knowledge and have an idea about the languages spoken in other countries in Europe. All these benefits wiil be used by all the participant students of Tourism involving the project. In the content of the project students who are studying tourism are involved in the project activites which are ; -cooperating (Turkish and European and neighboring Armenian) to shoot a video of a cultural event, -working in a hotel in another country and observe The project activites will be over with a closing coctail party. This project will have some long term results.The participant young learners will promote their proffessiona knowledge and be engaged in a European world . It has a significant effect in their future career all the organizations working in the field of VEt will be encoured to cooperate for practice in a foreign country. The participant students will be awarded by a youthpass certificate and a European mobility document which are very valuable references for students who will run in Tourism in future. Non-formal learning will gain prestige. Serik Municipality will be a pioneer for a lot of organism to encourage practical education in another country for young people. The project 'JOIN HANDS TO LEARN CULTURAL DIFFERENCES' with its objectives also contributes to key EU policies, especially to NON-FORMAL, learning environments and to promote awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe.
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4 Partners Participants